A crazy day, hectic and insane. Manic, for sure. The class I was in is a rough one, one of the roughest I've seen in the school in a while, although there are certainly worse in other schools. One of the students borders on violent when she doesn't get her way, and today was one of those days. She freaked out and had to spend the entire morning out of the room, just so they would keep her quiet and she wouldn't disturb the testing students.
The class has various other issues with kids who don't want to listen, or can't, and of course, the successful tantrum of one leads to attempts to follow suit by the others. But it's fun and I may be back in there a few times more this week. I realized that the other days I was asked to 'float' are probably going to land me in there for the morning, although I had promised to be back in the other class for the support teacher two days of the week this week. I'm waiting to see what happens with that one, too.
I am so mad about Brian's phone. It's this nice Samsung, the Impression, and Megan got the same one. So after about six days, Brian's phone shows up with a starburst crack in the screen, and he insists he didn't do anything to it! So it's some sort of pressure crack just from having such a piece of plastic mounted, and I called AT&T and they won't take it back because it's damaged! So under their warranty, they won't replace a phone that is defective if it has damage. I'm so mad. I tried to get hold of the guy who sold it to us but I wasn't successful. I hate them!
I have had more problems with AT&T in the past year and yet I still stick with them for some reason. But my own phone is not 'upgraded' so I may just hold off and then shop around when I'm able to. This is not a cheap phone either, to be cracking like that. The woman tried to tell me it's under 'let the buyer beware' and I said, 'well how long is that?' and she said a month, and I said, 'well it cracked in a week!' Ridiculous. If the same thing happens to Megan's, I'm writing to anyone who will listen.
In other news, with one prom down, E is looking towards the future and the next; should be interesting. Also, I am still wondering how we will find out on what date our Phillies vs. Mets tickets will be honored, and how I will find this out. I would expect an email, but I also would have expected it wouldn't take a week or more to choose a make-up date. Even Little League works faster than that! And tomorrow I am covering as a 'testing floater' which means I will just go in for teachers at random if they have to test someone but have other students in a different grade. I'm not sure who that will be, but I'll soon find out!
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