Well, it is a rainy day at last. I've been walking around outside, hoping for signs that spring is here, and seeing a few. There are some sprouts beginning to sprout and some buds beginning to bud. This should be a good year for many of our plantings, as they have had a good two years to really establish themselves. Hopefully, this will bring the privacy barrier we hoped for when we planted them. I also have my tiny tree, which we put in the ground on the corner of our property and which I am always afraid will fall prey to senseless vandals, simply because of its vulnerable smallness. But I have big hopes for it this year. It doubled in size last year (which isn't saying much) and if it does that again, it might actually begin to resemble a tree rather than an accidental occurrence.
And so today I completed three relatively good working days. Today I was an in-class support teacher, and the classroom teacher was also a sub. She's one I have worked with before, and I like her, so it went fairly well. The only thing that happened was that she was given a long list of topics from which to choose a journal entry, and her choice was 'my religion'! :-X I would have never chosen that, but, as she said, "it was on the list." A few kids were confused, but they all put something down.
Then in the afternoon we ended up with a substitute classroom aide, and she butted in and asked if an entire table could leave the room for drinks and a bathroom break in the middle of the math lesson. The other sub was so dumbfounded that she let them go. I was really mad at the kids and at the para for doing that! Half the kids who asked for drinks had water bottles on their desks! And not one asked to use the bathroom during indoor recess!
I picked up the mail when I got home and found a letter from the school district addressed to me and Kevin. ???? I was terrified to open it, thinking, "what has Brian done now?" But when I opened it, I saw Megan's name instead! It seems they have decided to present her with a commendation from the Board at their meeting on the 31st, for making the all-region team again, and for breaking two school records, one of which was set in 1993 and the other in 1983. So that will be exciting. Too bad it's not AFTER Florida, though, she will have to go straight from practice to the meeting, which leaves little time for homework. I guess I'll have her bring that with her and do it in the car while she waits? Big news!
And in other news, E continues her remarkable recovery, in good company with Lance. She said she is barely taking pain pills anymore, which really makes me wonder about that doctor we saw who said that surgery wouldn't help her and the risks weren't worth it. I don't think she would agree with that statement at all. Of course, I suppose she still is in a period at risk for infection, but I think with her reduced pain levels and straightened out shoulder, she probably will say that it's well worth the risk. Our computer is crashed, but Kevin thinks he has it fixed. I'm afraid to touch it for fear it will blow up, but I really need to because I have to finish my banquet ads. And finally, I must start dinner.
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