So here it is almost noon. At least today I made it to the Y! It's been a long time so I decided to suck it up and go. I haven't been in so long that I had to ask to be reactivated on their fitness computer! So I rode the bike, lifted a few weights, not many at all, and took a walk on the track before stretching and doing some situps. I feel a lot better. Today begins my campaign to look presentable in summer clothes, which I have to be able to do by April 6.
Obviously the fact that I have time to dedicate to my well-being means I have been once again passed-over for work. I won't be able to work Friday, since I'll be in PA (more on that later) but I don't want to work Thursday either, since I may want to leave for PA that night or at the very least I have to be ready to leave or have to be making plans for kids, cats, and the dog. So that leaves me with two possible work days: tomorrow and Wednesday. I am really reaching the point where I am pretty angry about it all and am trying to think of ways to find employment elsewhere. The trouble is, no other place will be this flexible (well if you count a;most never working as 'being flexible' anyway) and I won't be able to work only during the school year. So fortunately, I have paid off all of my Christmas bills and just have to finish paying off the plane fare to Florida and the Phillies tickets I just charged last month. Otherwise, I'm in good shape. Good thing, cuz there ain't nothin' comin' in.
Which leads me to my next woe. I learned last week that the district is going to an automated sub calling system. I'm not sure when, but it basically means that all subs will have the opportunity to log in and snatch up jobs. I liken this in my mind to trying to win a dial-in contest at a radio station. Teachers will be able to request their top few subs, and hopefully some will still remember me after my long absence from their sight. But this could potentially alter the whole playing field, giving just about any sub a fair crack at just about any job. So I'll have to see how that goes. Another option is to branch out into other districts. I don't really have any reason to stay committed to this one, if they won't be committed to me. In two years, I don't expect to even have a child in the schools! (Scary thought that is) But I will hope it goes well. I guess it can't be much worse than it has been this past month, anyway.
And speaking of children in the schools, so far no fallout from my whistleblowing on the bullies. Friday worked out OK, and the weekend as well. Brian spent some time away from home, and then he had a couple of kids here yesterday, so he ended the weekend on a happy note. This will be a busy week for him anyway, because he has a Pt evaluation on Wednesday and on Thursday, I'm hoping to be leaving for PA. He also has a book to work on for his art class. I'm trying to get him to up the quality of the work he turns in. And speaking of PA, onto my other woe: The Doll.
So she is still weak. I imagine it's more coming from being holed up in darkness with very little physical activity for two weeks or more. But she looks good aside from the 'woe is me' face she wears, and the shuffle she does across the floor; however, she claims that just a little trip out the store wiped her out and she had to sleep for the rest of the day. So it seems she may not be able to take Brian and E after all, leaving me to scramble at the last minute. I am having deja vu here, I think that she has done this before. First of all: she had the flu shot, she had a lcear chest xray, she had no fever, and her blood work all came back fine. But it isn't looking good for me for the weekend.
My main problem with Brian is Thursday. I plan to tell The Doll that I will leave Brian and E alone on Thursday night. He has someone to stay with Friday and Saturday, I think. If he does not, he can be dragged, kicking and screaming, to PA with me. E, on the other hand, has nowhere concrete to stay. She has a few people who have supposedly offered their homes to her but I have heard enough of her "I'll figure something out" plans that no way I would be comfortable leaving her with the "yes I think so" answer to the question of whether or not she has someone to stay with. Taking her is also an option, but she would have to miss a day of school. Initially she was willing, but then she changed that, because she believes the girls will come through for her. I can't be that optimistic. I've seen too many smaller plans fall through for me to stake too much that this one won't. So stay tuned.
My only option for Thursday is to get a ride up for Megan, and then leave myself at 4am. That way I'll be here overnight with them, and I'll get up to the pool in time for her Friday events, which are really her most important two, if I may say so ... there's another Saturday, but the two most exciting ones are Friday, and I don't want to miss them.
In other news, it is raining now. I had planned to take both cars to the car wash today because I read the sign that said $2 off on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at my favorite car wash. Well, maybe tomorrow. I'm still plodding through the work for the program book for this year's team banquet, but I don't have a lot to work with now. I know that someone is going to give me a huge pile and then I'm going to wonder what made me sign up for this in the first place!!! Finally, I guess I have some bills to pay. Speaking of having no money this month, I had better give what little I do have to those creditors before they all come after me and I 'fall off a cliff' like the US economy has done!
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