Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Weekly Woes

So the latest is that E is still in a holding pattern. Today she saw her doctor who cleared her to return. However, as I was told would happen by our contact at special surgery, the hardware is visible through the skin, so will probably be removed for aesthetic purposes, but this has nothing to do with the recovery. The question now is who pronounces her fit to travel: her doctor, or the doctor employed by the insurance company to keep their costs down? Also, the agency hasn't received her paperwork, but that doesn't surprise me, as she sent it on Friday and Saturday may not count. They'll probably receive it today.

In one of the emails I got today, there was a copy of a letter I had written to E's mom, with some questions, which she forwarded to the agency over there and they forwarded to the agency over here. When I read it more closely, I talk about how I tried to find out what was needed to leave the country and was told that we would probably be OK! I mention how I can prove the conversation took place because it would be on my cell records (it is, in fact) and that the whole thing seems unethical. (!) I do believe all of these things, and in fact was most diplomatic in the way I said them, but I hadn't intended it for the eyes of the agency. I'll have to be more careful what I write in the future!

But the bottom line is that still nothing is decided. I do believe the package will arrive today and hopefully begin its return trip, meaning it would be back there by the end of the week. They're making noises like the school might not let her back, which definitely isn't going to happen, so they'll have to search elsewhere for excuses if that's the angle they're taking.

Meanwhile, we're in the week of preparation for the Florida trip. I've been trying to work on the ad book for the banquet, and the computer crashes every ten minutes, which makes it very frustrating. I save every time I change something, but it's making everything take twice as long. I had no work yesterday, but she called this morning and asked if I'd work this afternoon. I was glad to do that, but I didn't want the whole day. More important than my shrinking funds is my enlarging girth, so I wanted to at least take a nice long power walk before doing anything today. I'm just waiting for the sun to do its work a little before I head out.

In other news, tonight is the commendation at the board meeting. I don't know how many others will be there, or what other commendations will be given, but I hope it goes quickly because Megan has a chemistry quiz tomorrow and she hasn't been doing well in that class. It doesn't help that the guy is frequently not in, he won't be in today, or Thursday and Friday afternoons! How to catch up when your teacher is out of the room so much? I'm hoping after swimming slows down that she can get back on track in that class. He demands 500% from every student. The only good thing about the absences is that she won't be there Friday, since they leave that day for Florida. So at least she won't miss anything from him.

Friday, March 27, 2009

An Update to the CollarTale

Well, the latest is that E's mom has decided to send the documentation back to the US after all. What happened was that last night I got wind of the fact that the agency here in the US was requiring E to have a signature on her state dept form, and in order to do this, she had to ship the whole thing back to the head office in Chicago. So her mom was hesitating to do this.

I did a little quick research and found that all colleges advise their students to get signatures before leaving the country, to ensure that they will get back in. Somehow, someone let E leave the country without this, despite repeated attempts on my part and on the part of her mom to make sure that she didn't leave without having what she needed to get back in. I am really mad, but I'm staying out of it so as not to jeopardize anything so they won't let her back in.

My best analysis goes like this: the agency in DK sold her medical insurance. This expempted her from having to buy the US insurance, which would have covered her for up to $50K per accident or illness. So the $30K would have been covered here in the US. However, I suspect they did not follow the proper protocol as far as documentation before she left the country. Not knowing any better, her mom and I assumed this had been taken care of.

However, I did get a little suspicious about something after a conversation with one of the reps, and I called her superior and was told that she should have everything she needed to get back in. Online I found a list, but this included the one form that had to have a signature that was less than one year old. But what I didn't understand was that if you are leaving the US, you must have a re-certification signature. In fact, this is not even written anywhere that I can find it on the state dept site, but I found it on almost every college website that does exchange programs.

Hindsight, of course, is 20/20 and now we can see all the things we should have done differently. In the meantime, E's mom has sent the documents to the US for the proper signatures. Hopefully this will be back within a week and will not hold up her planned return. It isn't looking likely that she will get to book a flight earlier than the 5th, right now I would say she is lucky to get back ON the 5th as planned. So we shall see.

In other news, I worked a full day today, as my assignment got changed, so that was four full days this week! Now I have nothing looming on the horizon whatsoever, what else is new...? Brian had a friend over for several hours, they were going to have a sleepover but then he suddenly found out that he had basketball. But at least they had some time, because the boys who neglect Brian were all out playing basketball in their driveway for hours tonight. Megan had practice for a couple of hours, and I did not have to drive either way, so Kevin and I just went to Applebee's for a quick dinner. Oh, and I had a message today confirming my hair appointment for tomorrow at 3. I didn't even know I had one! But I must get my hair colored soon. This is a cut, and I must have made it so I would have good hair in time for Florida!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Musings in the Rain

Well, it is a rainy day at last. I've been walking around outside, hoping for signs that spring is here, and seeing a few. There are some sprouts beginning to sprout and some buds beginning to bud. This should be a good year for many of our plantings, as they have had a good two years to really establish themselves. Hopefully, this will bring the privacy barrier we hoped for when we planted them. I also have my tiny tree, which we put in the ground on the corner of our property and which I am always afraid will fall prey to senseless vandals, simply because of its vulnerable smallness. But I have big hopes for it this year. It doubled in size last year (which isn't saying much) and if it does that again, it might actually begin to resemble a tree rather than an accidental occurrence.

And so today I completed three relatively good working days. Today I was an in-class support teacher, and the classroom teacher was also a sub. She's one I have worked with before, and I like her, so it went fairly well. The only thing that happened was that she was given a long list of topics from which to choose a journal entry, and her choice was 'my religion'! :-X I would have never chosen that, but, as she said, "it was on the list." A few kids were confused, but they all put something down.

Then in the afternoon we ended up with a substitute classroom aide, and she butted in and asked if an entire table could leave the room for drinks and a bathroom break in the middle of the math lesson. The other sub was so dumbfounded that she let them go. I was really mad at the kids and at the para for doing that! Half the kids who asked for drinks had water bottles on their desks! And not one asked to use the bathroom during indoor recess!

I picked up the mail when I got home and found a letter from the school district addressed to me and Kevin. ???? I was terrified to open it, thinking, "what has Brian done now?" But when I opened it, I saw Megan's name instead! It seems they have decided to present her with a commendation from the Board at their meeting on the 31st, for making the all-region team again, and for breaking two school records, one of which was set in 1993 and the other in 1983. So that will be exciting. Too bad it's not AFTER Florida, though, she will have to go straight from practice to the meeting, which leaves little time for homework. I guess I'll have her bring that with her and do it in the car while she waits? Big news!

And in other news, E continues her remarkable recovery, in good company with Lance. She said she is barely taking pain pills anymore, which really makes me wonder about that doctor we saw who said that surgery wouldn't help her and the risks weren't worth it. I don't think she would agree with that statement at all. Of course, I suppose she still is in a period at risk for infection, but I think with her reduced pain levels and straightened out shoulder, she probably will say that it's well worth the risk. Our computer is crashed, but Kevin thinks he has it fixed. I'm afraid to touch it for fear it will blow up, but I really need to because I have to finish my banquet ads. And finally, I must start dinner.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Who's that Girl?

So I impressed Kevin tonight. He came in and found me watching Obama talking about his budget. Of course, he couldn't just give me credit for being politically astute, he had to fire an accusation: "Did you know the President was on? Or did you think American Idol was on?" I cringed sheepishly. Truthfully, I don't know much about either one.

But really what I want to know is this: who is the little old lady in the front row? I'm amazed by her presence. Kevin thinks she must be someone important to have gotten a seat in the front row. I give her credit. I'm sure she didn't go there expecting to see American Idol. And she's seated front and center!

Anyway, I had a pretty good day in school today. The class was good, the lesson plans, although a little vague at times, were manageable, and even the most problematic kids in the class were not too bad. The weather was decent, and we got to go outside. And I went in to see the teacher I'll be in for tomorrow and she acted glad to be having me. So that was all lovely.

Then I came home to find Brian with one red ear. He's had a little cold and headache, but he insisted on having me take his temperature although I didn't expect there to be a fever, and there wasn't. Yet there it was: one red hot ear. I gave him motrin because he said his head hurt and the ear somehow faded to pink. Now both are a little pinked up, but nothing too alarming. Chiari? Who knows ... always something bizarre with that kid. Probably stress from the art project that he left till the last minute. Which incidentally he lost five points on because it was due yesterday, even though he didn't have the class till today.

In other news, E is recovering back at home. She said she is feeling pretty well now, and is looking forward to her visit next Tuesday, at which time she'll find out when she is cleared to fly back. I haven't heard from her today, but she did call yesterday and she posted on Megan's Facebook wall that she felt great. And now she is in good company, as Lance will be having his surgery soon as well! Zelda's hair is growing back in, and I am recovering from a pork tenderloin I bought tonight. When I opened it up, it stank like bad chicken. Kevin said it smelled OK, so I cooked it, but the color never got right through it. I ate a few small pieces, then told everyone else not to bother, and I gave them chicken nuggets. In fact, Obama had the perfect name for my dinner: a wasteful pork project.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lazy Day

So far today I have been unproductive. This is not a great surprise. I am about to head up for a shower, but a small cat has just jumped into my lap. He's about to settle in for some comfort, as he had grown attached to E.

I did get a brief mail from E's mom this morning. Surgery went well, there were some residual issues from the nerve block but they expected those to resolve when the block wore off. Her follow-up appointment will be next Wednesday, so I don't really expect to hear more before then as far as a return date. If all goes well, there should be no problem with her returning in time for the Florida trip.

Yesterday I took Megan to the mall and picked up a few things she can wear in Florida, as well as some products from The Body Shop. One of my main reasons for going to the mall was to get her some body scrub from Bath & Body Works, their High Lathering Scrub. I was so upset to hear they have discontinued it! I got it around Christmas and it's the best shower scrub I have ever used. It would have been perfect for her skin during that week down there in the sun and the pools. But now I can't get it. I went to The Body Shop instead and bought some kind of daily scrub but I don't know if it will be as good. And I emailed the company and they wrote back, but I don't think they will immediately reinstate the product, unfortunately.

Brian is feverishly working to complete the art project which he allegedly did not know was due this week. It's due tomorrow, presumably only because he doesn't have art today. It's an every-other-day class around his double period math classes. And then he called from school to ask me to come in and sign the emergency contact forms, which he "didn't know he had" and which were due back no later than Friday. If he doesn't turn them in today, he gets detention. I'm debating whether or not I should take them up. I wonder if a detention will make him remember to give me important papers next time. It's every single thing with him: yearbook, graduation gown, emergency papers, permission slips. I don't know how to get through to him.

In other news, I will be working for the rest of the week. Two days at my usual school, then one somewhere else, and then a half day on Friday, which is perfect. This coming weekend will be spent getting Megan ready for her trip, for which she departs a week from Friday. I also have to get as much done as possible on my swim banquet book, which is in good shape except for the things that are confusing to do, the things that I keep putting off. And now our desktop is not functioning well. I would like to write that it's time for a new one, but then Kevin might come on here and read that, and then he might get mad about it, and say that we don't. Although we do. It's a dinosaur, and he probably needs to face that. I want to be able to open .docx and .xlr files like the rest of the modern world can already do.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bone Update

Well, the flight was a success. We were able to get E upgraded into business class for her return flight, and I had an email that she had had a good flight and was on her way back to her house. The plans are changed and she's scheduled for evaluation and possibly surgery today instead of tomorrow. So perhaps more plans tonight.

The insurance company is again creating angst...saying that she must stay over there until her treatment is completed. Meaning follow-ups (xrays once or twice) and physical therapy. They don't want to pay for it back here. So they don't care if she rots away in between, missing school here and being too late in the year to enroll in anything over there.

This is just an outrage. I can't even believe the amount of money her parents had to pay for this program and where did it all go? Sure, the first set of plane tickets and maybe they paid for her visa? But surely that didn't cost as much as they paid. WE support her, they didn't give us a dime ..? If I were to do this again, I am not sure I'd use the same agency again, although the one she signed up with is independent of the one we use here (they are 'partners') but as far as I know the agency here is doing nothing to try to help out on their end. In fact, our rep was talking as if she thought she might not be able to get back in, and she didn't really seem to care!

In other news, I was unable to find the pictures of my new dog Zelda (Molly with her haircut, don't get excited) to post but I'll keep looking. Megan is sleeping at a friend's house, which I wasn't crazy about because of Nationals being two weeks away and the fact that this will be the first important meet of the year for which she will be ::knock wood:: well (aside from States last weekend, but that wasn't supposed to be a 'big meet' for her). Brian is getting ready to go to his church class, and then he has baseball practice. After that, he must spend hours putting together a notebook for his art class, which he has known about for weeks but somehow thought it was due at the end of the marking period. Every night I would remind him to work on it and every night he woud stall. So now it has caught up to him, because the teacher suddenly called for them to be turned in tomorrow.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

As the Collarbone Turns

What a shocking turn of events. The doctor in NY was so helpful to squeeze E in, and the staff was helpful with getting all the information to the insurance company, and things were looking like they were moving along. Then yesterday morning I got an email from E's mom that the insurance company had booked her on a flight home at 6:30 last night!! Well, this did get changed, but now she must fly home today instead.

So the insurance company didn't want to pay the $30,000 for the surgery and associated costs, so instead they have booked her back home to receive the free care she can get back there. She has an appointment with a surgeon on Monday and will hopefully be rehabbed enough to fly back in time for our trip to Florida the first week in April.

I was absolutely floored when I heard that this was the option they were going to pursue, I couldn't believe they would do it, but now that I have had time to think about it, of course they would. They would have lost over $25,000 on her on this incident. It all comes down to the bottom line. Her parents are furious because this insurance was sold to them by the agency over there as one of the best they could get. And the school's insurance is secondary, so it will pick up extra cost, but can't be asked to pay for the entire thing. So we are stuck with this decision.

And this is where it stands. Kevin is now looking into getting an upgrade for her to fly there, her dad thought he had but it turned out they only upgraded her for the flight back to the US, which is now scheduled for April 5, but that's subject to change.

And in other news, our group of swimmers going to Florida, we are up to 27 now and still counting with two days of swimming to go. Molly had a bath and the groomer misunderstood me and cut off all her fur!!! She looks like a lab and she was shaking and trembling, then had a seizure that night. She seems recovered now, but she still has no fur on her back. Just has a bad comb/cut job. I took a picture to post but perhaps you can't tell exactly how lab-like she was. They also charged me $20 more than I usually pay, and didn't reverse that when I told them that this wasn't what I had asked for. And now, we are about ready to head to the airport.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Creative Clavicles

So nothing is decided for sure. This has been quite an ordeal. The surgeon we saw yesterday didn't want to operate, he said it wasn't necessary and that the bones would find each other. They are far apart. So I got in touch with my friend's sister and the doctor for whom she works says that it needs to be fixed, and he can do it on Monday. We are supposed to return to the other doctor on Monday, so now I will have to cancel that appointment.

So this is exhausting. Not to mention the expense of the travel into NY, which will have to happen a minimum of four times, five if they keep her overnight and I have to go in and get her the next day.

Anyway, some good news. Megan found out that she made the local paper's all-regional team again this year. So I have to take her in to get her picture taken for that. I'm not sure when it will run, but probably the weekend that she's in Florida, as last year. I'll still be here then, as I was last year, so I'll be able to pick up a copy and bring one down for her.

And I have been getting called to work again. Not to mention that I turned down work yesterday, and I have to turn it down again on Tuesday if she needs the surgery. They asked me to work tomorrow at the middle school, but I said no because I have to take Molly in for a bath and she has to be dropped off at 9, so there is no way I could be to the middle school by 7:30.

In other news, the cleaning lady is also coming tomorrow, and this whole ordeal just has me so worn out that I don't have the house in order at all. E is sleeping downstairs on the couch, but her room (as the rest of the house) is a mess .. I told her I'll just throw everything in the closet and shut the door! And now Megan is getting her feathers ruffled again ... everyone is just hypersensitive! I think I should go to bed and deal with the mess in the morning....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Results are In...

And she made it back for finals. I wish I had known that the best way to motivate Megan to swim faster was to tell her please do not. She swam nearly a personal best time at prelims, which was almost as fast as she swam when she wore the LZR suit at the December meet, and she was 'tapered' back then. So she came back and swam a half a second faster, which is a lot in a 100 yard race. she came in 17th but only because you can't advance from the heat you're in at finals. She and the girl who came in 16th probably really had about the 9th and 10th fastest times in finals. And that's out of about 100 girls. She is excited for Florida now.

So after finals we made it home in pretty good time, despite my having left the gas tank danerously close to empty, hoping I'd make it back to New Jersey before I ran out, so I wouldn't have to hang my head in shame at the pumps, the likes of which I haven't had to face in over 15 years. I couldn't bear the humiliation of having to ask for help pumping gas, or to look like a prima donna by using full serve when all the rest are pumping their own, simply because I haven't ever encountered the high-tech pumps of the 1990's. Back in the 80s I knew to pay the attendant, then just go and lift the latch, drop in the pump, and squeeze. Now I'm afraid it may be so easy that I wouldn't be able to figure it out! But we made it to the Turnpike service area anyway.

I had turned down a half day of work so I could take Megan in late and get some shopping done. After school, as I waited for E to call for a ride home, Brian came down and said the high school was on the phone for me. ?? It turned out to be the trainer, saying E had fallen and perhaps had a broken collarbone, and I should get it xrayed. Five hours later, we were home with no more than a sling and an alarming rediograph of the carnage inside her shoulder. We were instructed to see an ortho doc today, and I turned down another day of work. Our appointment, the best I could get, I guess noone cares if you walk around in agony with a bone fragment in your shoulder, if at 3:20 today. Stay tuned.

In other news, Puff is happy to curl up and purr next to me, which promotes inefficiency because I want to stay with her. It has taken me two years almost to get her to do this, and I can't sacrifice the luxury. Oh well, never mind. As I wrote that, the other doctor called and I had to get up and she ran away. We now have an appointment at 2 with a doctor who works with the schools. More later. Not proofread.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Latest from Lancaster

And here we remain. Again, Megan and I only linger in the room, Kevin has already left for the pool. Today is the early swim for the 13/14's, so we get to go over at 8:30. If Megan didn't have to do the 200 back, she could have gone at 11:30! But she does. Then she has the 100 free. We have an agreement. We agree that I don't want her to make it back for finals, so therefore she is going to try extra hard. It's always nice to be a motivator for your child.

The last two days have gone well. In finals in the 200, she bettered her time from the morning swim, but still not a best time, and she got 12th place overall. In the 500 yesterday, she again didn't get a personal best but went into finals seeded seventh and came out fifth, so that was a pretty good swim for her at this meet. Presumably this means that if she is able to swim these times here, she should be able to do even better in Florida when she is 'tapered.'

It's been exhausting, though. Getting up and leaving at 6:40, staying at the pool until early to mid-afternoon, and then coming home for a rushed lunch and nap, only to be back there again by early evening, then having a late dinner, and coming back to bed. There's been no time for homework either, and I know that she brought plenty of that here, and also she missed two important tests/quizzes on Friday (of course). That's the real reason I won't really be disappointed if she doesn't make finals tonight. Unless she was coming back as one of the top seeds, I think that the homework and rest should be taking priority at this point.

In other news, I met up with an old friend and her mother and sister yesterday for lunch. Then she came and watched Megan swim the 500, smashed by the throngs on the overcrowded bleachers. So that was very nice of her. It's strange to see people after 20 years or so and they look and sound the same. She lives not too far from here. Brian and E seem to be enjoying/surviving their weekends. E is hanging with the Doll and having plans pop up here and there just as always but they seemed to have a nice dinner together last night. I don't think anyone checked on the cats yesterday so I imagine I am coming home to a house that stinks like foul litterbox as well as four starving felines. Although Brian and E will probably have to face it first. :-)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Frenzy

Here we are in Pennsylvania. Kevin came out early yesterday and Megan and I arrived on my four new tires at 8:30pm. Yesterday I did nothing but run around trying to get organized for the trip out here. I had to get Brian's things ready for two separate hosts, get Molly and her things ready, and make sure my car was travel-worthy, which apparently involved four new tires, a new something-belt, and a bill for $1000. But we made it.

The meet began early this morning and it went pretty well. Megan didn't swim a best time in the 200 free although at first it seemed like she was going to - her 100 split was a 56, which would normally mean her time would be a 1:56 or better, but she ended up with a 1:57 instead. Then she swam the 100 back, and then a best time in the 1000, but not quite fast enough to qualify for Florida. She can still swim it there, but in time trials, which are held in the heat of the midday sun, after all the other events have concluded. It can be brutal.

But with her 200 time, she requalified for next year unless they make some change. These new suits are enabling more and more swimmers to qualify, which may cause them to have to take drastic measures with the cut times. Although from what I have read, the suits themselves my be regulated more closely within the next year.

Right now she and I are back at our hotel, and she is asleep. We didn't get out of the pool building until 3, having been there since 7, and have to be back at 5:15 for finals. She'll swim the 200 free again, and also some relay, not sure which one. Then to dinner, then to bed, then back to the pool for the sunrise swim at 7 again! After that, it should be an easier day because she has no midday events, so she can come back and sleep, hopefully for finals in the 500, and then Sunday should also be a much lighter day. She has the 100 and MAY qualify for finals, but if she does not, we get to go home after the morning session. So I do have mixed feelings on that wish! Her 100 time is already good enough for Nationals, so that's not a concern, although best times are always good.

In other news, Brian and E spent last night at the Doll's, and E had all sorts of mishaps with the project she procrastinated for three months. But I am sure she pulled it off, she did say it went fine. Brian called me just now to confess that his progress report arrived, and it said that he was missing homework in one class and has inconsistent test scores in another. I am so tired of these things on his reports. And I must now sign off because I am suffering from severe carpal tunnel pains as a result of Kevin's bizzare laptop. He has our good one at the pool for some reason. (disclaimer: post not proofread)

Monday, March 9, 2009

More on Monday

I have work! All day tomorrow. Allegedly, nothing else for Wednesday but this is my day for tomorrow: first grade. =:-O !!!

And the Doll IS in fact recovering. She will be able to help after all; Brian is happily already booked, he doesn't want to switch that. But now E has the backup should her other plans not come through.

I can also leave them there Thursday night now, if I wish. They'll take the buses back here and then get to their destinations on their own afterwards. But I am still considering whether or not I should just stay, and drive out to PA early Friday morning, when I know they've both had a good night's sleep and are up and getting ready for their buses.

So that is that. No other news for the evening.

Midday Monday

So here it is almost noon. At least today I made it to the Y! It's been a long time so I decided to suck it up and go. I haven't been in so long that I had to ask to be reactivated on their fitness computer! So I rode the bike, lifted a few weights, not many at all, and took a walk on the track before stretching and doing some situps. I feel a lot better. Today begins my campaign to look presentable in summer clothes, which I have to be able to do by April 6.

Obviously the fact that I have time to dedicate to my well-being means I have been once again passed-over for work. I won't be able to work Friday, since I'll be in PA (more on that later) but I don't want to work Thursday either, since I may want to leave for PA that night or at the very least I have to be ready to leave or have to be making plans for kids, cats, and the dog. So that leaves me with two possible work days: tomorrow and Wednesday. I am really reaching the point where I am pretty angry about it all and am trying to think of ways to find employment elsewhere. The trouble is, no other place will be this flexible (well if you count a;most never working as 'being flexible' anyway) and I won't be able to work only during the school year. So fortunately, I have paid off all of my Christmas bills and just have to finish paying off the plane fare to Florida and the Phillies tickets I just charged last month. Otherwise, I'm in good shape. Good thing, cuz there ain't nothin' comin' in.

Which leads me to my next woe. I learned last week that the district is going to an automated sub calling system. I'm not sure when, but it basically means that all subs will have the opportunity to log in and snatch up jobs. I liken this in my mind to trying to win a dial-in contest at a radio station. Teachers will be able to request their top few subs, and hopefully some will still remember me after my long absence from their sight. But this could potentially alter the whole playing field, giving just about any sub a fair crack at just about any job. So I'll have to see how that goes. Another option is to branch out into other districts. I don't really have any reason to stay committed to this one, if they won't be committed to me. In two years, I don't expect to even have a child in the schools! (Scary thought that is) But I will hope it goes well. I guess it can't be much worse than it has been this past month, anyway.

And speaking of children in the schools, so far no fallout from my whistleblowing on the bullies. Friday worked out OK, and the weekend as well. Brian spent some time away from home, and then he had a couple of kids here yesterday, so he ended the weekend on a happy note. This will be a busy week for him anyway, because he has a Pt evaluation on Wednesday and on Thursday, I'm hoping to be leaving for PA. He also has a book to work on for his art class. I'm trying to get him to up the quality of the work he turns in. And speaking of PA, onto my other woe: The Doll.

So she is still weak. I imagine it's more coming from being holed up in darkness with very little physical activity for two weeks or more. But she looks good aside from the 'woe is me' face she wears, and the shuffle she does across the floor; however, she claims that just a little trip out the store wiped her out and she had to sleep for the rest of the day. So it seems she may not be able to take Brian and E after all, leaving me to scramble at the last minute. I am having deja vu here, I think that she has done this before. First of all: she had the flu shot, she had a lcear chest xray, she had no fever, and her blood work all came back fine. But it isn't looking good for me for the weekend.

My main problem with Brian is Thursday. I plan to tell The Doll that I will leave Brian and E alone on Thursday night. He has someone to stay with Friday and Saturday, I think. If he does not, he can be dragged, kicking and screaming, to PA with me. E, on the other hand, has nowhere concrete to stay. She has a few people who have supposedly offered their homes to her but I have heard enough of her "I'll figure something out" plans that no way I would be comfortable leaving her with the "yes I think so" answer to the question of whether or not she has someone to stay with. Taking her is also an option, but she would have to miss a day of school. Initially she was willing, but then she changed that, because she believes the girls will come through for her. I can't be that optimistic. I've seen too many smaller plans fall through for me to stake too much that this one won't. So stay tuned.

My only option for Thursday is to get a ride up for Megan, and then leave myself at 4am. That way I'll be here overnight with them, and I'll get up to the pool in time for her Friday events, which are really her most important two, if I may say so ... there's another Saturday, but the two most exciting ones are Friday, and I don't want to miss them.

In other news, it is raining now. I had planned to take both cars to the car wash today because I read the sign that said $2 off on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at my favorite car wash. Well, maybe tomorrow. I'm still plodding through the work for the program book for this year's team banquet, but I don't have a lot to work with now. I know that someone is going to give me a huge pile and then I'm going to wonder what made me sign up for this in the first place!!! Finally, I guess I have some bills to pay. Speaking of having no money this month, I had better give what little I do have to those creditors before they all come after me and I 'fall off a cliff' like the US economy has done!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Dawn of the New Day

So yesterday I finally did what I have been wrestling with for nearly three years: I spoke to another parent about the bullying that's been going on with Brian. For three years he has been ostracized and teased, with occasional periods of acceptance thrown in just to confuse him. Lately, though, it's gotten worse, from the gum in the hair incident to some other things that have been going on. So I did finally just suck it up and talk to one of the parents. The talk went well, but today will be the day that shows what the true outcome will be. Brian wanted to avoid the bus today so I drove him to school.

In addition to his being picked on, some of the kids have been doing some bad things and blaming them on Brian and another boy. This was the last straw, when I heard about it, I didn't feel I had much choice. Then, after my talk, Brian came home and said he had gotten into trouble on the bus. The bus driver told him and another boy (the other one they pick on, interestingly enough) that they were the worst kids on the bus. What was the crime? Well one boy farted and refused to admit it. Another boy opened the window. I guess it must have smelled awful, because the bus driver assumed it was a stink bomb. One of the other boys mocked her and she didn't realize it, and almost threw the whole bunch of them off the bus to be picked up by parents. Part of the problem when there are many who gang up on few is that certain less perceptive adults will then believe that the few are in fact the ones causing the trouble.

And onto the Doll. Yesterday she requested a chicken. I took it over, and she looked healthy enough aside from the fact that she's shuffling around in her cave in the darkness, all holed up with the TV, doing nothing towards recovery. So I still don't know what will happen for us next weekend. I am still hoping she'll have a miraculous recovery, but I think I'll send them over with a can of Lysol and plenty of airborne!

Today I have a PM work assignment. E again has to be in school by 10:30, and I don't have to be to mine until noon. I think I will actually have lunch immediately upon my arrival, and then 2 1/2 hours with the 5th graders. I've been in this class before, shouldn't be too bad. ::knock wood!!:: I did find out yesterday that they may be doing away with the sub caller and replacing her with an automated system. I'm not sure how that will work out for me, better or worse, but it may be part of the reason they seem to be rotating the list so much. Will this mean that the sub just hired yesterday can snatch up the best jobs? I'm going to have to investigate this. At least it means that the more dedicated subs will at least get to work. Or it could end up being like dialing into a radio station during a contest. I guess we'll find out.

In other news, we have no major plans for this weekend, just getting ready to head out next weekend. The kids all have schoolwork to finish up, and especially Megan, with her missing Friday and the science fair. She has to make sure her project is extra-good for the in-class presentation, because that's where the bulk of her grade is coming from. I have a headache today because I was awakened, first by a dream that my alarm clock was blaring "for some reason I can't explain, I know St. Peter will call my name ..." and then Puff heard me stirring and hopped up onto my headboard, fell off, and shredded my scalp.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This and That and Woe is Me

So again, it's been a while. The weekend was unremarkable in the end. The student party was going fine, and in fact the kids were actually picking up the pace and beginning to interact, after a couple of hours of sitting silently in front of the TV, when Kevin's phone rang and it was the Doll. By now it was past 3:30 and we were a minimum of 40 minutes from home. She commanded that there was a prescription that we needed to pick up for her, and we had to get it by five. It turned out she does NOT have pneumonia, nor anything much, they are still saying 'the flu' (ok none of us had shots and we were not nearly as sick as she) and this was an anti-nausea medication. In retrospect, she could have hauled herself out to pick it up. But we had no choice other than to leave the party early. Megan got a ride home from practice, so we didn't even have to worry about her and could have stayed until the party wore itself out.

Which leads us into the next dilemma. The Y meet is next weekend in PA. Brian, E, and Molly were set to stay with the Doll, but if she is that sick, weak, and that much of a mess, that will never work out. So now I just don't even know what to do. We can bring Brian to PA but we can't bring E, she has to be in school for the science fair that Megan is missing. She might have someone to stay with, and Brian does for one night (Saturday), but I have to leave Thursday and won't be back till Sunday quite late.

We really only need someone to stay with them Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or someone they can stay with ... but at this late time I don't know if I can work it out. I can probably find a petsitter, but the problem is Thursday night. I know I can impose Brian on someone for two nights, but I hate to do it for three and don't even think I'd dare ask. So that's the latest crisis. It's not totally an option for me to stay home because I have to take Megan up there Thursday night. Kevin has to go up early, and Megan can't miss two days of school for this. Bad enough she misses one! So stay tuned for how this plays out as the week goes on. I'll have to get creative.

Last night I had a call from the new rep for the Fresh Air Fund. We discussed C and whether or not we would have him back. I told her all that had transpired and said we would like to, we don't want him kicked out of the Fund altogether but we're not sure what to do. She said she'd call me back in ten days but after sleeping on it for just the one night, I can't see how I can NOT have him back. If anyone deserves a break, it's a kid like that. So I think we will have him, the week is in mid-July.

And so we had a snow day on Monday, followed by a delayed opening yesterday. On Monday afternoon/evening, our brilliant district powers-that-be posted on the website that school would be open and state testing would be conducted as planned. Somewhere along the line, they changed their minds. Around 10:00, Megan found out that school was opening 90 minutes late, and since I had been thrown a bone and was working yesterday, I got a call as well. But many people didn't have that luxury, and, having seen the initial post, got up and hauled their poor kids in, only to find out about the poorly publicized change in plans. And now I am off again today. Yesterday she called me with what I thought would be jobs. It turned out to be JOB. One half day, tomorrow. And during the call, she told me she had had nineteen calls out. Nineteen, and I got a half day. I am definitely 'B' list. I don't understand it, but it makes me mad.

So in other news, E is not taking the state testing so she doesn't have to be in until 10:30 all week. The snow is still here and the roads are intermittently covered in icy patches, although they're much better than they were yesterday morning when the side streets were just one solid sheet of ice. Someone around the block has constructed a giant snowman, probably about 15-20 feet tall. After school yesterday they made him a hat, buttons, and a scarf. He looks great! And tonight is the pasta party for the states swimmers. It's being held at our church, and I have to make baked ziti. As with any group that we have accepted responsibility for, I'm anxious for them to leave the place in good order!