Friday, January 9, 2009

One Week Down!

The first week of the year of school days has drawn to a close! No major incidents that I know of, but often I must await the arrival of report cards at the end of the month to really be made aware of some of these. Yesterday another letter came for Brian, or I should say, for Brianna, accepting him into one of the Catholic high schools to which he applied. This is the smallest of the three, and quite possibly didn't reject any applicants unless they had criminal backgrounds. However, it's also one of his top picks, so we won't rule it out just yet.

Meanwhile, I did write and send the letter to the higher caliber school that put him on the wait list. He talks to others about their status, and the other wait-listed boy at school, who wrote a letter himself begging them to reconsider, told Brian that the school called his house the next day (!?) and told him that the second marking period grades will determine whether or not he gets in. Hopefully, Brian is still doing well. His mid-marking period progress report only had two negative comments: his math homework quality needed improvement, and he needed to stop talking inappropriately and excessively in drama class.

So I emailed that drama teacher about that, and spoke to Brian about both issues, and he insists that he has been doing all of his math homework so he doesn't know why she would say that. He claims she just checks to see if it's been done, but perhaps she is noting the quality as she does this. But the report cards come out at the end of this month. And also, we still haven't heard from the third school, which seems not to be a favorite choice of his. I guess it might depend on where he knows other people are going. But he adamantly states that he does not want to continue on with the same kids in the public school.

I have to get Molly and the baby cats to the vet this month but I've been trying to put it off; between Puff's elusiveness during the day and the expense that I know I will incur with three visits and a bunch of vaccines I just dread it. I should probably wait till Wren needs one too, and then take her along to get the three-in-one discount. But they have to be three of the same pet, and they all have to get the exact same things done. Like if one of them has matted fur and he combs it out, he'd use that as an excuse to say that they aren't eligible.

I worked three of five days this week and the two that I had off were the two days I said I could only do mornings. I was actually relieved to have the days off, although I admit to pretty much wasting the first, and I am now halfway through doing the same with the second. I registered my truck online for the next two years, and I have to pay a bunch of bills and reconcile my checking account, which hasn't balanced for about four months anyway.

In other news, we have the usual running around this weekend. E has basketball and a party, Megan has swimming and a trip to see Blue Man Group in NYC on Saturday, and Brian has physical therapy and swimming. His PT is going well, but I think after this visit they'll do a re-val to determine if they can keep him coming for more sessions or if he must be discharged. Last time they put him on the elliptical for five minutes. He was huffing and puffing and could barely make it. I need to get one of those for home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Dick Hellner and I work for the American Syringomyelia Alliance Project (ASAP). As a small nonprofit that serves the Chiari and syringomyelia community, we are always looking for people that have a few hours to devote to helping us with our programs.

In this regard, your interest in writing matches our interest in having good writers assist in authoring articles of interest to our members.

If you would like to find out more, please call or email me.

Sincere regards,

Dick Hellner