Sunday, January 11, 2009

Game Day!

Well, here it is. The big day of green vs. blue. Last night we saw one of those giant inflatable Giants, and I remembered the time that our Willow tree blew down in a huge windstorm, and in the pictures, across the street was that same giant Giant, looking totally responsible for the devastation. Only back then I don't think the opponent was the Eagles! So this should be fun. I may suggest we go out and watch it at a bar somewhere. Probably more fun that way, but I'll have to keep a low profile! :X

Yesterday was a fun day. First, we took Megan out to Red Bank to pick up some gifts for her friend. We went into a papiery (if this is truly a word) to get wrapping materials and a card. The clerk was Megan's former voice teacher! So that was pretty funny, we haven't seen her in a while, of course Megan towers over her (as well as me, which we already knew) now. Then we had lunch, just Megan, Kevin, and me, which almost never happens, because she's usually the only one NOT with us when we go places. E was out with a friend and Brian chose to stay home with his artificial friends (playing xbox live). It was strange to me to note that Megan is, in fact, developing a personality of her own.

After we dropped Megan off at her friend's house for their trip to see Blue Man Group in NYC (where she says she and another girl were chosen to participate, and they had to wear ponchos and get bananas thrown at them, and march in 15 minutes after the start of the show to a song playing, "you're late, you're late"), we picked up Brian and took him to Freehold Mall for some new pants. The trip ended up lasting over two hours, and breaking both Kevin's and my banks.

The snow had begun to fall lightly when we came out, so we stopped and had dinner at Chili's before heading home. As it turned out, E never came home again. She stayed at her friend's house for another night. And when we got home, we found a message from the swim team saying that Megan's practice for this morning at 6:30am was cancelled due to the 'weather'. So I texted her, and she didn't come home either. She got to sleep over with all the other girls, which also never happens. I'm sure she'll be exhausted, but at least she got to experience life for a weekend.

This upcoming week promises to be hectic, with two high school swim meets, the first being tomorrow at 9 PM. (who schedules these things at that time?) Then she has one on Thursday, which I'll have to go to and pick her up to bring her to the Y. I think I have whined about this one before. Brian has PT on Wednesday and Saturday this week, then they will re-evaluate. He loves going there. It's like a gym workout for him. And next Sunday is the county swimming championship meet. The psych sheets aren't out yet, but I expect she will probably be seeded second or third in the 200, and possibly first in the 500, but one never knows. There should be some good races at that meet. She doesn't like to be seeded first. It's less stressful to chase than to be chased.

Today we don't have much planned other than getting ready for the week, and watching the game, of course. I hope to make meatballs and sauce, but if I am to do that, I'd better get moving. We overslept and skipped church today, and Kevin just went to pick up E. Megan had some activity for school, so she has to be picked up from that at noon. Then she and E will have to get their homework done. And Brian.

In other news, I've been browsing the site for the high school where Brian is most likely to go at this point: I am actually excited at the prospect and almost hope the other school (the competitive one) won't let him in. As a result of his poor performances in sixth and seventh grades, he is behind in terms of levels of class. If he goes to SJV, he can take Algebra 1 the first semester and then possibly take honors geometry the second, and that would put him back on track where he might have been had he been put in the accelerated math in seventh grade. It's exciting to think about. Without the block scheduling, doubling up is more difficult, because then you have both of the classes at the same time. This way, you take one in the fall, and the other in the spring. And you only have four classes worth of homework to worry about, as opposed to eight at the other school, with each on piling it on for effect. Well, I am off to the showers!

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