Sunday, November 9, 2008

Quick Update

Just a very quick entry. Not much going on today, Kevin took Brian out to play golf, Megan went to see the Favorite Boy, and I had to work on my directories for school. I went through and marked off the labels that have to be affixed, and in so doing discovered a multitude of mis-alphabetizements. Also two kids who have different last names than their guardians but I failed to list this in their cases. I guess I should have marked up the labels before having 660 copies of the book printed, but ... sigh. Too late now. Hopefully everyone will be able to find their friends' names anyway! Most people use cell phones these days even in middle school. I hope.

Oh, and I had some help while I was doing the work, too.

Otherwise, one more day off from school, which will be Tuesday, and then we go straight through till Thanksgiving! That will be nearly a full two and half weeks, by the way!

But right now, in other news, Megan is rewriting her essay for English because after she wrote it and I edited it three times, she found out that she had answered the wrong question. Lucky she found out tonight and not tomorrow, but now she is having to do the whole thing over again. I am about to go up and catch the end of Desperate Housewives while Kevin watches the Giants and the Iggles play. I am afraid to look, last time I even talked about it the lead switched from Philadelphia to New York.

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