So we are through Thanksgiving now. It was a nice mellow day, as usual, the turkey came out just fine, as did all the trimmings. The high school football game was a bit chilly and very crowded, there's a lot more room at our home field than at the other one. But our team did win again, despite rumors that they would perhaps lose, since they're also resting up for States next weekend. I had to leave at halftime to start the turkey, but even with their JV team playing at the end, they still way outplayed the other team, on the latter's brand new field.
During dinner last night, we uncovered the cause of Brian's B in computers. There was a PowerPoint assignment, which Brian did, and the instruction was to omit any animation from the titles/headings of each slide. So Brian had them all come flipping in from the side, or sliding in from the top, or appearing from a central spot. He lost three points for each slide because of this. However, he was baffled. He had understood the instructions to mean that he wasn't allowed to use cartoons in his headings!
So today he is home, and just milling around. He half-heartedly tried to find something to do, but as the neighborhood boys are ostracizing him again, and he wasn't able to get anyone else to hang out, he's outside having a catch with Kevin. He'll go to his practice later this afternoon and then probably waste the evening away. Tomorrow night we're going to Medieval Times for Kevin's birthday. I want to see E have to eat with her hands!
Megan is off to swim so she can be free tonight for Homecoming. She's just going with her girlfriends this year after last year's debacle when she had a date, and her date asked her to be his girlfriend, and she said no, and he hasn't spoken to her since! So I think she will have less pressure this year. E will go with her friends, but she's a little confused because she does have a date, and he is not friends with her friends. So we'll see. Meanwhile, she has basketball tryouts today. They already went from 9-12 today, but she has to be back at 3:15 for another couple of hours. At least she said it wasn't too hard, but she was disappointed because she was grouped with the JV team, and everyone she knows is in the varsity group, although the teams haven't officially been posted yet. But this should keep her busy, anyway, and out of trouble for the next couple of months. I hope.
Kevin and I were out this morning. We had to go to Costco to get some things for a food table we're running tomorrow morning to raise money for Nationals. I was afraid to go, but it was surprisingly uncrowded, I guess because Costco's deals are pretty much the same every day. Afterwards we stopped at one of the local shopping centers, and even that seemed no worse than an average shopping day. Unlike the Valley Stream Wal-Mart, which should be so ashamed of itself for allowing their worked to be trampled to death by a bunch of maniacs created by this whole Quick-Save frenzy that's created by all the retailers... I just don't understand how saving even a couple of hundred dollars is worth it to endure a deadly crowd as a shopper - let alone the poor employees who have no choice but to be subjected to the insanity. It's disgusting.
In other news, tomorrow is Kevin's birthday. E's is coming up as well, on Friday, and on Saturday we have our exchange student Christmas party at the rep's house. The students are supposed to make a dish from their home country, and they are responsible for buying all the ingredients and cooking the dish themselves. I should probably remin her, I don't think she realizes that it's next weekend. Not much else goes on day-to-day, which is good. Report cards finally came on Wednesday, and Megan had all A's and A+'s except fort he blemish caused by the B+ from her chemistry teacher. Brian has two of everything from B through A and then one A+. The two B's were a bit of s surprise, the computer B as told above, and the science B seemingly caused by a lab notebook issue, although I can't get a clear answer from either Brian or the teacher. He missed high honor roll by 3 points. But at least he made honor roll this time. And E's report card was also very respectable.
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