OK, so it turns out the jump-start of the propeller plane was not true. I don't know if the plane was even really stalled. But Kevin made it home from Arkansas the other night, at nearly midnight. The following morning I got another 6am call, so I went in and covered for the art teacher. It wasn't so bad, because the elementary schools are having early dismissal for teacher conferences, so I only had to work till 1:30 but got paid for a full day. Each class was only half an hour long, and I only had five, three 5th grades and two 1sts.
But who turned off the heat? I've been parking my Explorer in the garage because it's easier to back up (it beeps when it senses something behind it) and then driving the Honda once the frost melts off of its windshields. It's been below freezing in the mornings, and windy and cold all day long. Last night the high school was in the playoffs, and they won by only 3 points, so now they'll get to play in the state championships. But it was so cold that none of us went, not even E, although she did drive by trying to catch the end. Her dad was in town and stopped by on his way to a business trip; and it looks pretty definite now that she will not be returning home after this school year, but rather to her new home in the US. So that was some welcome news for her, and it was nice for us all to meet.
Megan, meanwhile, still has her cough, only now she has attacks in the middle of the night where she can barely catch her breath for all the hacking. During the day it seems like the antibiotic might be working, she did start taking it, but after swimming, she coughs a lot more. Hopefully it will stop because there is new concern that competitive swimmers are at risk for airway/lung damage from the concentrations of chlorine gas that accumulate at the surface of the water when they practice hard and in large groups. Then each time they turn their heads for a breath, they breathe in the gas and it burns their airways. So I hope that's not what's going on with her, but I'll ride out the ten days on biaxin and reevaluate with someone who knows what they're talking about, who won't tell me it's "allergies". I almost want to break out an inhaler and see if that helps her. Actually, I have a peak flow monitor, I should have her do that when she coughs and see how far she can get the little pin to go. Just thought of that now.
So I emailed the coach for her saying that she wasn't going to be able to come to the meet today because she has to go to her high school tryout. I suppose she could make it, if I drove up to Ridgewood and then brought her to Asbury Park, leaving early. But she would have to be at the Y by 9:30, and with all this coughing, it just wasn't something I thought was a good idea. She would need to be at Asbury by 2. But I also included in the email that she won't be at practice, or she will be late, on Tuesday.
So when he saw her last night, he read her the riot act, saying,"you missed your high school practice because you were sick, and now your problems become my problems..!" So she was mad at me because ACTUALLY she missed her high school practice to GO to his practice, but I didn't say that in the mail. I guess I gave too much of the wrong information and not enough of the right. Wait till he hears she has to miss another Tuesday to go to her first HS meet. Good thing I failed to mention that. Also good thing she went to practice last night. We went back and forth on it, because it seemed wrong for all of us to go to dinner with E's dad, and without Megan.
This is another usual weekend for us - Megan will skip that Ridgewood meet, which is a little unfortunate, but she has to go to Asbury and she still is not quite well. Brian has a meet down by Princeton, and then tonight they both want to go see Megan's friend Emily in her play at the other high school. I think E is also going. And tomorrow will be the usual, practice and then who knows ... maybe we'll go to see Twilight. I'm reading it now, and it is addictive. I should finish it by the end of today, it's hard to put down once I start reading.
In other news, Brian seems to be expecting a very good report card this marking period. I don't know if something has clicked, if he has better (or easier) teachers, or if he just put in extra effort because he knows he screwed up last year's report card and this is his last chance to look good when he applies to the other high schools. But he has nothing lower than a B+, according to him, and there are even a couple of A's and one A+ (in Spanish, of all the things, the class they didn't even want to place him in after his sixth grade Language Arts performance). Hopefully he will maintain this level of scholarship all year, or even throughout high school! Megan's perfect streak of A's since sixth grade will be broken by a B+ in chemistry, but she is lucky to be getting that from this guy. I don't know if she knows any of her other grades yet, but the report cards come on Tuesday.