And so the onslaught of laundry bags, recent purchases, dirty dishes and unwanted mail begins. And last night, just the two of us found ourselves playing trivia purchased by mistake on the new tabletop tablets at Chili's, our children having already found alternative ways to amuse themselves on what would have been our first night as a group of four.
But never fear! Many activities are planned. First, tonight, we are off to the soggy turf of Citifield, to once again watch the teams of our childhoods square off against one another, this time on foreign (to me) land. Tomorrow, the infamous Mother-in-Law's Day (commonly known in the rest of the world as 'Mother's Day', which I learned last night in a lucky Chili's-trivia guess evoked by my work affiliation, was made famous by Woodrow Wilson) will bring us all together once more for many activities which will be silently endured by the suffering few. (Perhaps church, maybe a bike ride, and of course, the obligatory overpriced mediocre prix fixe.)
A few weeks will follow where we will seem to fall into a rhythm, and then we'll have a family vacation. Then everyone will be back to work, and we will find some sort of new normal, surrounded by the pet hair, unwanted mail, dirty glasses and cast-aside clothing. And then it will be August. And maybe I'll remember to post another entry!
So, this could be M's last summer at home, with her new status as 'accelerated master's student.' Next summer she will have to be working in a clinical setting, but she can do it anywhere she finds work. So that's something for another time of worry. B was lucky to have secured a summer job with a computer firm, with the help of a friend of mine, so that is the best thing that could have happened for him. He'll work three days a week for at least the months of June and July, with the first two weeks of August on reserve.
And in other news, Kevin continues his quest to be a triathlete, which often involves rising at ridiculous hours to fight the lane closures for lessons and teams in the pool at the Y, or to go on monstrous cycling pilgrimages with unknown spandex-clad middle aged men. While this is quite a noble pursuit, it often causes his head to drop into his beer while he watches hockey at 6pm, or while he's serving as a passenger on a mundane road trip to anywhere.
My job plods on, I hope for more recognition and sometimes wonder if it's worth the hour-long hike each way. But for now, it is what it is. Once I get there, it's not so bad. But sometimes, the traffic can just send me over the edge of sanity. And the pets are there as a counterbalance. Why do I have so many? Oh, and my last complaint must be regarding this accursed iphone. (a) The latest iOS update has turned it into crap and (b) why is AT+T making life so difficult with their plan options? Every time I consider a new purchase, I end up just shaking my head and leaving everything as it has been since 2005.
So let the summer begin!
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