At last the sun is shining! I should really be up in the shower but instead I will update my blog. I seem to be unable to get to it most days now, as my brain is usually in overdrive from a day of dealing with one small child. Two more weeks in the job! I will really miss the paychecks, especially since my credit card bills are also in overdrive from the expenses of the trip to Florida.
So it's Sunday morning and we are out of milk and toilet paper. We have to go to church this morning (Brian has his confirmation next Sunday!) and then the swim banquet this afternoon. Megan made the video again so that's always fun to watch. This year, I had to surrender the ad book so someone else could get volunteer points, so I am interested to see how it turned out. I was glad not to have to do all that work, but I also did enjoy it, so I have mixed feelings about having had to give it up.
And this is the week of my two interviews: one tomorrow and one on Tuesday. I'm trying to plan how I'll spend the day in the special ed class with the little ones and then wear the same outfit to an insurance company interview, so my plan is to wear nice black pants and a sweater and keep a blazer in the car for after school. The next day, the interview is later so I'll have time to come home and fix myself up.
Megan is still off from swimming so I have to try to get her to the podiatrist for the warts that won't go away. I would just as soon leave them alone because we have already tried a million things and I'm not keen on having them sliced off (they cover a large area but are relatively flat). But we're going to try a new doctor who was recommended by the dermatologist, if we can get in soon. I don't want her to have to have any treatment that restricts her activity for more than a few days, just to get rid of some warts. In fact, they used to look better than they do now, before she ever had them treated by the other guy! And he had almost gotten rid of them when he decided to freeze the remaining invisible (to me) one and as soon as he shot the freezing stuff on them, they ballooned into a monster and never receded.
And in other news, things have been relatively quiet - just Megan trying to catch back up in school, Brian trying (sometimes unsuccessfully) to pass tests and remember to turn in papers (paid for a tutor for him and she helped him finish the lab, then he left it at home) and the rest of us just trying to catch up on life after being away. Molly seems well although she eats and drinks like a monster, and the other day when Brian came home he didn't let her out (she doesn't get up sometimes) and she suddenly exploded in a puddle of pee, the likes of which have never been seen before. But that was his fault. She hadn't been out in seven hours, and I thought she had.
And nothing from any colleges, still waiting and thinking that one out. Today is 'junior day' at one of Megan's top choices but we can't go because of the banquet. And in her mind, the forerunner is back to a different school anyway. But many things will happen that may or may not change her mind. And despite her filling in forms and visiting the school, that coach has yet to even send her an introductory letter. So we'll see.
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