This was one of those weeks that seem to go by really quickly even though every day you wake up and think, "it's only ...??" The trip to Delaware and Pennsylvania was a success (thanks for the noodles and gravy and beef, mushrooms a little) despite the weather and the overwhelming bulk of college information we are now trying to process. We don't have all the information we need yet anyway, such as times from this season, grades from this year and ANY testing scores aside from the SAT2. So this is all factfinding, which means we don't have to hear every little detail about every single school we see. In fact, it's too overwhelming!
Also this week in school, Brian found out his grades. Two are still C's! I am ripping out my hair. Clearly he is aware of these things but his reasoning seems to be that if he doesn't tell us about poor grades and issues that come up, he won't get in trouble at that moment. So he only needs to get in trouble eight times in the entire school year (every progress report and every marking period end) and that's better, in his eyes, than every time he gets a bad grade. But he doesn't seem to realize that he REALLY gets in trouble for not telling us, when we ask all the time if he has gotten any tests back. And instead of "you should work harder next week," he gets his phone taken away at night and spends the weekend indoors, and not on his xbox - that would be too much fun and not motivational in any way.
On the plane home from London, I watched He's Just Not That Into You. The premise is that the main character is somewhat of a junkie for bad relationships, and the worse the guys treat her, the more she rationalizes that they are really just too busy, or they haven't gotten around to calling yet. Lately I have been thinking that this sort of sums up my job hunt. No matter how many online resumes I send, or letters I mail out with no response, every time I find a new one, I hold my breath each time I check for messages. It is the same thing!
So in other words: nothing is going on. I worked my morning job today for the assignment where someone else snatched up the PM part of it while I was accepting the AM. It was fine, but then one of the other teachers I usually cover for was out all day so I probably could have had that if I hadn't been in just for the morning. But I did manage to get all of my Thanksgiving food drive shopping done as well as one holiday gift project. So at least there is that.
Yesterday, Wilbur got his stitches out. He didn't appreciate it much, but I think he is much happier now. I dropped another stool sample to get him checked out since he had so much trouble when he was new. I haven't heard yet, but last time I think they didn't call for a couple of days either. Hopefully no news is good news, though. I think last time it was over the weekend. They should have the results back today, I think. Uh oh. Phone is ringing.
Well it was Kevin. And while I was talking to him my job search bell went off, but by the time I logged into the system, the job was gone anyway. It was only a half day for Monday afternoon. I hope to work a lot next week, as it's crunch time on the summer bills. I like to have them paid off before I run up the holiday ones.
Anyway, in other news, high school swim practices start on Monday. It doesn't look like Brian is going to be able to do his high school swim team after all. For one thing, it costs $350. For another, I have to drive him to the pool, which is about half an hour away on the parkway, and he has to be there right after school, which means I can't work. And finally, they demand complete dedication, which means he would have to give up his three other after school clubs. Since he isn't really that into swimming anyway, I think the cons outweigh the pros in his case, unfortunately. He can keep on swimming at the Y for his workouts, and maybe next year it will fit better. But he actually needs to have more free time anyway to stay on top of his schoolwork, so perhaps it is for the best.
Incidentally, that job just reposted, so I took it. It's only for the afternoon Monday, but that means I won't be home until 3:30, and I won't be able to drive him to the pool. But he has to go to an important mock trial meeting anyway, so he will do that and won't be done until 3:30 or so anyway. Theoretically, his Y practices should count in lieu of school workouts, and the Y practices on Sundays. So if his coach would allow him to substitute the Sunday workout for Monday, then we might be able to swing it. But at this point, I just don't see it happening.
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