Well, for now. In an hour I have to go to the dermatologist, I completely forgot I even had this appointment, but it's one of the few things I do regularly, and apparently I had scheduled the appointment for this week. So I have a 10:40 appointment, just what I need, to go to a doctor who doesn't accept insurance! I hope he won't remove anything or have any extra charges this year. Most of the time he has, but I have usually brought things to his attention and not the other way around. So we'll see. My fingers are crossed.
So Brian went to high school!!! Last night they had an orientation for the new parents, which was informative but also not earth shattering. They are very proud of what they do and how they do it, and they talk a very impressive game. So in a few weeks we'll see how it works out for Brian. He certainly looked good, anyway! The only complaint I had was that I had asked to pick his tie, but he chose the shirt, and although it was nice enough (plain blue) it was a Lands End shirt. These are OK, but they just don't fit as well as the Brooks Brothers shirts, and for picture day I would have chosen one of the latter. The Lands End ones gap a bit around the waist. But he has to wear a blazer over it anyway, and he was struggling so much with the tiny buttons on the collar that I thought it would be best to just leave it as is. Megan was running late so I didn't get a chance to snap a picture. I guess I'll have to wait till the professional ones come in!
Today is just their orientation, so he can wear the Brooks Brothers shirt on the first real day of class, when he will be making his first impression on all of his teachers and classmates. Although we are just a stone's throw from the back of the school, we must be farther from the front via roadways, so he has been issued a bus pass and assigned to a bus. The bus pass said to be at the bus 20 minutes ahead of the time printed on the pass, which said 7:14. We went at 6:55, and the bus finally rolled in at 7:40. Brian didn't need to be at school until 8:30 so that was OK, but we'll have to work this out in a few days. Obviously if she is coming that late we won't go out early, but in this weather, it's really easiest for him just to walk. It's just that he was the ONLY one on the bus when it came, other than the ancient little lady driver. I can't wait to hear how that ride went, when he gets home. We were at the bus stop long enough to direct two unfortunate freshman that their public school bus had left before they got there, and to watch all the middle schoolers come and go on their bus, which showed up at 7:30.
Oh, and the school nurse called yesterday just to check in. She seems very nice, and also said that she is working on trying to get extra books for Brian to keep at home. I told her that I had found four of them for $25 total, and therefore only needed three more. So we'll see if she comes through with those. This is over and above what I expected, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear that news.
As for Megan, she came home with a huge pile of books and a lot of homework, from her 20 minute classes yesterday. Most of it was from AP history, but the calculus had kicked in as well. The physics teacher was kind enough to wait, as were Spanish and language arts. I'm sure by Tuesday they'll all be in full swing. She is afraid she will have no life this year (what else is new?) but at least she has an elective that she will enjoy: child development. It's an actual, free preschool for the township four year olds. We had a neighbor who sent her daughters to this program as pupils, long ago. They loved it.
In other news, TGIF. What a weird week this has been. It felt so strange to be sending someone off to their first day of school on a Friday! Even if it isn't 'real' school yet. And now, our last beach weekend, still calling for beautiful weather. Yesterday Brian and I took the dogs to the dog park again. Wilbur gets so worn out that when he gets home, he behaves much better. But there was some beagle thing there that was chasing him around, and he can't run that fast when he gets into a real chase, so he just kept sitting down, because the dog was hurting him. Or he said it was, he tends to sound the alarm pretty readily. And poor Molly, she always wants to come on the small dog side now, and I usually ask if anyone minds, and then bring her, she is much calmer than many smaller dogs, like that beagle, for example, but the weight limit is supposed to be 35 pounds. The dogs on the big dog side are like crazy goofy wild animals, though, and she is just too old and frail to be romping like that! All she does is sniff around and pee everywhere, and then nuzzle all the people.
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