I'm afraid that now that I finally found a good Fresh Air child, there will be problems, but I hope I am wrong! I will know within a few hours, or at least I will have a better idea. Yesterday at the beach, R was wiped out by a wave, and off to the briny deep went his brother's $10 swim mask. He handled this well, and proceeded to enjoy himself for another several hours in the pool and ocean.
We took him to dinner at Bahr's (my favorite) but the service was less than the standard, as I tend to forget it will be in the summer. But they had a lobster special on the kids' menu and he ate it, and enjoyed it, and entertained the Doll with his comments and his quirky humor.
We got home and Brian and R chose a movie, The Money Pit. Suddenly we noticed something was wrong with R. He kept getting up to go to the bathroom, and his eyes were running full of tears, which was setting off his nose to pretty much do the same. He said that when he rinsed out his itchy eyes in the shower, they got worse, and now would not stop running, and he couldn't see, and everything looked "brighter."
In the end, I had to send him to bed (it was close to 11 anyway) with wet compresses to keep on his eyes. I had already given him his singulair, and his eyedrops (also for allergies) are only once a day for mornings. So when he gets up this morning, I'll have to see how he is, and I can give him the drops and check on any additional allergy meds he might be able to take. I am really hoping it's just a severe reaction to chlorine, sun, and sea; but he had a big play session with Wilbur and then sat around the House of Cats when the runniness really kicked in. I cannot believe that they placed a kid with such allergies in a house with so many pets! But we'll see today if that is it. R keeps insisting it is not, that he is fine with animals. But perhaps he has never been immersed for so long with so many.
Other than that, he had a wonderful time at the beach yesterday, and I'll have to go out and try to find a new swim mask for him to return to his brother. We have plans to go to the waterpark today, which I worry a little about, but as long as he keeps his eyes shut while underwater, he should be OK. Yesterday morning, he gave us a great scare, because he wouldn't answer loud knocks (bangs) at his door, or hollerings of his names, both R and F.
We tried the door and he had locked it! With all my drug paranoias (he came with these medications and I worried he reacted to one, or to the allergies he is taking them for) I was sure he had perished and - what would we do?!?! The horror of it! And we couldn't figure out how to get in, if the doorknob was unscrewed, it remained firmly secured shut; and the hinges were on the inside so the only option was to break down the door which, of course, if he were not unwell, would seem kind of silly. Then, all of a sudden, as Kevin was fiddling with a hanger in the doorknob hole, the door just opened, and a very sleepy R was dismayed to find the four of us trying to break into his room!
But in other news, Megan went to her two parties Saturday and one last night. She has a dinner tonight for another's birthday, a make-up for a rainout a few weeks ago. Then she has to go to practice after that, and tomorrow and Friday are her long working days. This is going to be a busy week, and she leaves Monday morning at 7:30 for the big meet in Maryland. The meet starts Tuesday, so I'll follow along. I'll stay with a cousin, from Tuesday through Friday.
Brian will stay home with Kevin, and the Doll will look in on him during the day quite a bit more than I think he will like. I'm going to need him to be responsible for Wilbur, though, so that will be asking a lot of him that week! And he needs to get moving on his summer reading book, the one about Michelangelo. That's a tough read. He also got a letter from the principal, thanking him for his essay. He had to write a three paragraph essay about his past, present, and future. So check back for news on the runny eyes. And join me in hoping for the best, or at least, not the worst (severe cat allergy: R will be devastated, because he keeps talking about how he is going to come back next year and how he is having such a great time; he is very appreciative and shows what the program is all about).
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