So the team has safely arrived in Fort Lauderdale. One flight down, many to go! Kevin will leave in the morning tomorrow, and then E will fly back Sunday. Then the big one, the one *I* must board and endure. I've researched and believe I will be able to order a bloody mary onboard the plane. I much prefer this to the xanax some friends have been trying to push on me!
With the weather this morning, I was a little anxious, but the flight only took off 45 mminutes late, not bad considering the area airports up here were quoting three hour delays. So they were in sunny Florida by 3:45.
I had a long day in second grade, as usual, but it could have certainly been worse. One kid who was being particularly rude and who wasn't paying attention did the same again in line in the library. I asked him to repeat what I had just said, and then when he could not, I sent him to the back of the line. Then I realized I had done this in front of his mother, a library volunteer!! Oh well. If she complains, I will invite her to observe him the next time I try to do a math review with his class and he can't keep his face towards the front of the room, where I am.
So Brian was friend-forsaken tonight, so we dragged him to a uniform shop so Kevin could but himself a pair of white dickies (haha) to wear on the pool desk this week as he works the meet. Afterwards, we went to Outback and then to Sears so Kevin could get himself a new suitcase.
In other news, I haven't gotten my hands on the work packet that was allegedly picked up by E's friend up the block, but I guess there is a little time for that. I guess I should try to call them tomorrow, or maybe she put it in the mailbox. The guidance counselor said that if she forgot to get it, he would call me around 3:30 and drop it off here at the house, and that didn't happen. Molly's hot spot seems to be improving since the vet approved the antibiotic for her yesterday, we forgot to put the lampshade on while we were out to dinner and she barely even chewed it, if at all. And tomorrow I have to call and deliver the good news to our pet-sitting neighbor that she will only have feline charges this week. That will make it so much easier for her!
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