Sometimes things just don't go my way. This was one of those days. My cell phone was dying so I turned it off last night while I was out, to conserve battery for when I needed it. I turned it on around 8:15, got a call from Brian and went to get him at the Y. When I got home, I found a message from the new sub caller. I called her back, but already two hours had passed, so I wasn't surprised to not hear back. E had texted me, but the text didn't come through until after I got home.
This morning, of course, is when I did get the call. So I accepted a half day assignment teaching health, and then the series of unfortunate events began. First, my schedule was wrong, so I initially appeared in the wrong classroom and had to go find out the correct schedule from the principal.
Immediately upon entering the correct classroom, I was told that I needed to call an extension. I didn't know what this might be, but they said it was the sub caller and she wanted me to go to another school in the afternoon. But I thought E was staying after school, and I had to come home and pick up Megan's swimming things to take to her meet so I could get her over to her Y practice in time. There was no way I could do that if I worked till 3:15 on the opposite end of town, so I had to turn it down. I felt bad, but it just couldn't be helped. I really hate when they ask me to stay an extra half day. I would rather be called at home and asked to come in for an afternoon.
I survived the first class, and went to the next. This was a restless and difficult class, and as is par for the course these days, I made a child cry by writing down his name. These kids are always perfectly happy to act up and annoy ME, but all I have to do is write their name down, and I become the cruelest person in the universe. Anyway, towards the end of this class, again the phone sqauwked for me. They wanted to know if I had called, I guess the sub caller had called the school twice looking for me, but they didn't know where I was, because I was missing. So, I felt even worse.
I managed to get through the rest of the morning with my head pounding, and came home to find that Molly had puked up the fur she ripped off her thigh yesterday. Her hot spot has grown to about an 8" diameter, and she spends all her free time with her red helmet on. I nearly lost it myself while cleaning up this particularly disgusting mess, and now the dog stinks like death. I made her an appointment for next week to be groomed, and put some frontline on her in case she's being bitten by fleas. If I can't get a handle on this, she'll have to go to the vet yet again. My dog is emo, she self-mutilates.
Oh, and so today was the first high school meet of the season, but the other team was just really not good. The only individual event Megan swam was the 200 IM and although one girl thought she had a chance in the butterfly, once the rest of the strokes rolled around that hope went out the window for her. I'm sure we won, but I had to take her out early, as I said before. Then when I got her to the Y, we realized that neither one of us had brought her swim bag, each thinking the other had done it. So I had to drive home and pick it up, again in heavy local traffic.
The only consolation was that, while stuck at the omnipresent railroad blockade, I saw our former landscaper and rip-off artist get pulled over by a state trooper. I'm not sure what he did, but I suspect an illegal turn when the no right turn light was illuminated. :-) The trooper was on my side of the gates, and when they went up, he crossed into the other lane, held up his hand, and made the truck turn into the parking lot where he had his trooper SUV. That's when I realized who it was and felt that small sense of justice that the day provided.
Anyway, in other news, Megan got her PSAT scores and she did pretty well. About average-high I would say. There are three sections now, and she scored highest on the writing, which isn't writing but more of sentence structure. She scored lowest on critical reading skills aka comprehension; no surprise there. haha. Also, 'tis the season. I have taken two tags off the giving trees at the Y and one of them seemed so simple: a dora playhouse. Well, come to find out there is no simple thing, only an $80 doll house! But I felt bad, so I got it and the furniture kit to go inside. To ease the pain, I opened a credit card with amazon to save $30. I hope this little girl will get good use out of it. I have to work a day and a half to pay for her present!
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