So I was up way past my bedtime last night. And this morning, when we woke up, we found that there was a vandalism spree in our neighborhood!! One sort of expects this living in a more urban setting, and prepares to protect against it. But sometimes there is nothing worse than drunken spoiled suburban kids with too much time on their hands.
Our mailbox was ripped out of the ground and tossed onto the lawn. Some of the flowers were also destroyed around it. I had a small lighted sign with our house number on it, and that was gone, possibly up the road on a neighbor's lawn. Kevin just took a quick ride around the block to see what else had gone on, and if he could retrieve it. The mailbox next door had some pretty flowers climbing all over it, they've been growing all summer, and they were torn to shreds and tossed aside as well.
Kevin is just back and says that it was a major mailbox vandalism spree. There is one kid who I and another neighbor squealed on for speeding and passing in a no-passing zone on a 40mph road, and sure enough, his mailbox is fine. But you wouldn't think he'd strike so close to his own home, and he really didn't target anyone specifically.
The most infuriating thing is not knowing who did it, and knowing that there's always a good chance that it was kids who we know. It's difficult to say, since we have only been here two years and don't know a lot of the families in the development. Oh, the joys of Burbtopia.
In other news, Megan's fair was indeed rained out, but they went back to a friend's house and watched Michael Phelps steal the gold in the 100 fly. Thank goodness that race was only 2 laps, I don't think I could have stood it for any longer. Today, Megan and I are getting out hair cut (finally) and then she is going to the Jonas Brothers concert This will be my first time back to the guy who butchered my bangs months and months ago. I had them corrected by someone else, but unfortunately, this guy seems to be the only one who can give me a really good haircut, and the same with Megan.
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