So tomorrow is the big day. The day that we put C on the Big Bus back to NYC. Brian starts his baseball camp, he will miss the first morning to send C off. I think I will feel like something is missing for a while, but what I won't miss is the extra daily laundry. I have done more laundry in this past week than I normally do in a month, and none of it has belonged to anyone in my family!
We went to the Fresh Air Fund picnic today. The entertainment was interesting, they had some sort of juggling troupe there giving juggling lessons, and then they put on a little performance, which wound up with a hip hop dancer who followed her dance performance with a thumb wrestling showdown where she beat all the big strong men in the group, as well as the alleged world thumb wrestling champion. After that, a Fresh Air child beat her.
They also had two chess experts there, each with two or three games going at a time. Brian gave it his best shot, playing each of them several times. Allegedly, they complimented his mad chess skills, but they seem not to have been mad good enough.
They had a few boats, which had sounded lovely in the description, but in reality, they were out on a lake that had no breeze and was in the direct sunlight. There was just one small dock, and in order to get to it, you had to pass people who were fishing with small boys who didn't really pay attention to the loading boats when they cast their lines in any direction they pleased. Kevin and C went in a paddle boat, and Megan and Brian went in a kayak, then Kevin and Megan went in one as well. By the time I was ready, the dock was overcrowded and there was a line for the boats, so I never got to go. I do have some photos and video I can put up, but tonight I am tired, and must go to bed in anticipation of Departure Day.
In other news, one more week and then Megan leaves for Maryland, for Y long course nationals. She has not taken the summer season nearly as seriously as the regular season, so I don't know what expectations we can have for this meet. But it's a good experience anyway, and hopefully none of the practices this week will be cancelled due to weather! That is the problem with the summer season. And now that C is gone, I must focus some of my energies on making sure Brian does his summer reading and readers response. I found another failed test from the school year today, an English test on a story that must have been in his reader. He had gotten a 65 and stuffed it in his gym bag so I wouldn't find it. I read through and it was pretty clear that he either hadn't read or hadn't paid attention to the story, the questions looked pretty basic.
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