We have been visited by the agency! It was, again, a day of cleaning and readying the house for someone to come and sit at the kitchen table. :-) However, I think I will continue to schedule these visits, as this is really the only time I can enlist everyone's help in cleaning the house.
So we just went through some paperwork, signed one more form, and took some handouts in the form of brochures and a poster she would like me to ask to be hung at the high school. I will wait to see if we're able to get this ball rolling next week before I go shaking any more trees about this. The next step, once she gets a verbal OK from the Assistant Superintendent, which hopefully she will, will be to let the poor girl know who the family is who has had her hanging for so very long. Then she will have the final opportunity to veto or accept. Assuming she accepts, we will be able to correspond.
We were under a tornado watch today! But no sooner did I read that than the sun came out again. Kevin took Brian to get a haircut, and wow! did he. His scar is clearly visible, as no hair grows there. He has a dual-hemisphere back of the head now. And he is off to his playoff baseball game, as no additional precipitation has made its way here just yet. So I ordered a pizza for Megan and a couple of her friends, and I am off to see the game at 6. If they lose, that will be the end of it.
Horrible morning!! Wren, who has taken to escaping, did so when I let Molly out for the morning pee. I fed the others, and left a plate outside the slider for Wren. Then I heard meowing, so I went outside. I didn't see her, and I kept hearing the muffled meow. I thought she was hurt or captured. Suddenly, she jumped up on the deck, and she had a CHIPMUNK in her mouth!! I was horrified; and then I saw her drop it, and it tried to get away! I lunged for her, she lunged for it, and I snatched her up just as she got hold of its tail. So I was shaking her, and the poor little chipmunk was just swinging around by his tail! Just then she dropped it, and I threw her in the house, and by the time I turned around, there was no sign of it. Ugh. I hope it is not mortally wounded. I didn't see any blood.
Well, that is about all for tonight. I don't have much to report. In other news, I got a nice paycheck today, and I expect a nice one again in two weeks. The last couple of days were not that bad at school, and I have the three in a row coming up next week, but they'll be in the last pay period of the year for me, most likely. There is a small black BMW backing up in front of my house. Better go and see if that's the pizza.
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