Yes, that's right. Report cards arrived on Friday. Since I was in the kindergartens all day (having quite a lovely day, who would ever think that kindergarten would be my favorite assignment, ever?), the kids got to take them out and open them before I saw them. First, once again, Megan had straight A+'s. In honors classes. She had A+'s on all midterms, except for two A's - in Spanish and Language Arts.
Allow me to dedicate an entire paragraph to Brian. Sigh. Science went up. C+ to B+. at the expense of, yes folks, everything else. Well, aside from the A+ in Computers. He had two C+'s: Social Studies and Spanish. But wait - there was an additional grade in Spanish, for the midterm, administered to all students district-wide, regardless of their grade level. Brian's grade on that exam? An A. Go figure. I just don't know how to proceed with this kid.
So I went to look through his backpack for evidence of deterioration in social studies. The teacher says he needs to work harder, but she keeps all his graded work at school. I don't see what she is talking about, and she isn't clear. Quite frankly, if that's the level of my involvement, we'll take the freaking C+ and put the year behind us. Eventually all of this has to take its toll on his conscience. Doesn't it? Anyway, I found no such evidence. What I found was his math notebook with stick figures depicting brutal shootings and suicide. Great. And he thinks this is funny, and normal. Sadly, it may be. (Normal.)
So that was the Great Tragedy of the End of the Week. Other than Buddy's voice, which is slowly coming back, and the broken seal in our kitchen window, which overlooks the pool and backyard and is now, forever, permanently, hideously filled with condensation and droplets of water running down the entire length of the glass. We replaced all of the other windows a year ago, but that one still looked good. Well. No more. The good news? The neighbors won't be able to see the cats sitting on the kitchen table and eating off of our plates anymore.
Finally, I am trying to come up with The Great President's Day Caper. I have ideas, but alas they will enter into the triple digits in terms of expense. I have considered Franklin Institute and a visit to the new cat in my parents' house. I have considered the ferry to NYC and a trip to the bodies exhibit at the Seaport. I considered, but had to reject, a trip to the Poconos to visit my college friends, who planned a trip their for the weekend. I declined because I thought Megan had to fast, but she doesn't. It's next weekend. But she did have swim practice every day, and I don't want to risk her getting hurt before states, which is now just three weeks away. And still no dog sitter.
So that's the end. This laptop is burning my lap, and I must get it off of me. A random end to a random blog. Oh, the excitement!
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