Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas from the Middle School

Progress reports arrived yesterday. I suppose I could say it is slightly better than last year's second marking period, when Brian was really in the midst of his middle school floundering. The science class, the one which he had been in danger of failing before we coached him to a 100% on the next test, says "pleasure to have in class." Well, that was the good news.

Of course, I don't know he did on last week's test in that class yet.

The other classes were perplexing. Most say 'homework quality needs improvement.' Spanish says that Brian is missing homework or assignments, but he is well prepared for class. Language Arts says 'come in for extra help.' Math says 'satisfactory progress' and social studies might as well say, "what is up with this lazy kid and why is he not doing the work he is so clearly capable of doing?"

So what do I do now? It is a full time job just managing this kid's education. All of the teachers, except for one, have websites where they post homework. I am always being told "I did it already," or "I don't have homework in that class." I created a form for him to fill in daily and return to me, and he is supposed to show mehis assignment pad every day. The form often falls by the wayside, and I tell myself, maybe he is turned around, let's see what the next grade report shows.

And so the next grade report has shown. I am at a loss. Upstairs, in a file, I have two forms from the neurologist, which, just last week I was thinking I might not use after all. I will dig them out as soon as the kids go back to school. These are assessments for ADD, which I don't actually think is the issue, but what do I least it will be a starting point.

Many chiari children have cognitive issues, and I feel pretty sure this is part of it. But he is also young, and immature,and peer-pressured. The problem is that the peers who are pressuring seem to be able to handle all of this and school as well. Brian can excel with just minimal effort. The trouble lies in the fact that he is unwilling to put even minimal effort, and his studies are in such disarray that it's difficult for me to guide him.

I have read much about neuropsychological testing, and I hope to look into that. I did go so far as to leave a message for a woman who was recommended by a friend. In fact, we are going to that friend's house tonight, so I may ask again. , as the person never returned my call. Not such a good sign, though. I found another local guy by googling.

I'll see if the results of those questionnaires can get the neurologist to write us a referral. I'd better act quickly, because my threat is Catholic school, and I would need to make that sort of decision soon.

On a positive note, Megan's was wonderful as always, although it still listed her first marking period absences. All of the comments were positive, but fora straight A+ student, what else can they write?

Otherwise, that's all there is. Our houseguests have arrived and we are getting ready for Christmas. It's warm(ish) and rainy outside, not the best weather for Christmas.

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