Well, I have only worked one day this pay period, and I am lucky that it turned out to be a full day. I was scheduled for a half, and one of the teachers asked me to fill in for her instead. Meanwhile, the bills are coming in. I think each of the three credit cards will be about $500 more than I would like to pay. This means about $1500. That should take me until summer to pay off at the rate I am going. With all this talk of lower interest rates ... why aren't MINE any lower???
And so we survived the swim meet this week. Megan went in exhausted, but the other girl was in the same boat, having just come from practice herself, so the two of them dueled it out to the end. Luckily, it was a meter pool, so they cut the 500 down to a 400, and they only had to do 16 laps. They were pretty much neck and neck, but Megan pulled it off at the end. There's one meet tomorrow, but that team doesn't really have anyone. The Big One comes next Friday. At least it should be exciting, win or lose. Too bad there is no official timing at that meet. No Y National times there. Although she has one chance this weekend, on Sunday, at a meet at our own Y, in the 200. I don't know, though, the conditions are not quite right, and I have a feeling she will be the top seed. It's always better to have someone to chase when you're trying to make a time.
Brian pulled the old headache thing again. I hate when he does this so close to the neurologist appointment. He called me yesterday from school at 1:30 and said his ear and head hurt. The nurse said she looked in his ear and thought there was pressure on the eardrum, but no infection. I gave him some triaminic last night but it made no difference, so we went to the doctor today. Now he has rynatan, hopefully that will help. I also bought some liquid motrin so he can take that in the nurse's office and not get sent home all the time with headaches, since he still won't swallow even the smallest of miniature pills.
I took advantage of being at the pediatrician to ask if the neurologist has sent her a letter since our summer appointment. I am still anxious because the radiologist read the chiari area as crowded, so I wanted to see if he said anything to the pediatrician in his letter. Unfortunately, he has not sent a letter, either about Brian's summer visit or, she says, many of her other patients who see him. However, I did read the letter from August 2006, where he said that the brain tonsils, which used to be 8-10mm below the foramen magnum ("big hole") they are now just slightly below. He was happy about this in 2006, and last year I asked if there had been a change since 2006, and he said no, there had not.
My own headache has prevailed since before my birthday. Today, for the first time, I felt some lasting relief. I took advil this morning, but I am beginning to feel like an advil-addict. After lunch I noticed it didn't hurt at all anymore. I hope it lasts. We are going to a funeral for one of the swim girls' dads today, after Megan's practice. He died somewhat unexpectedly when he went for surgery for what has been an ongoing cancer battle for him. It's very sad, unimagineably so. I remember him going in for one of his biggest surgeries, and perhaps one of his first, just one week after Brian's chiari decompression.
Meanwhile, Brian is winding down his piano lesson. I must go without a creative afterthought.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
New Car!!
I got it! I got the new car! I don't really know how I managed, but I convinced Kevin to let me get the Accord and keep the Explorer. Although I hate having to spend every third or fourth day at the gas station, filling up for $50 or so a pop, I am also not ready to give up the luxury/convenience/feel of having a big road-hogging V8 SUV either. So in a year that one will be paid off, and we will have it for virtually no additional cost.
The new car is a Honda Accord, and, so far, I love it! It's different in many ways, obviously, but it is so comfortable, cute, and fun to drive. I have driven about 70 miles in it already, and have used 1/4 tank of gas. The thing is that the pin may stay on the 1/4 tank for many more miles, as it seems to do. I will see the benefits when I first go to fill it up. I am so excited!
I took the Explorer yesterday and washed and vacuumed it, had it inspected, then pulled it into the garage and sealed it up there. I will still need it for times of bad weather, when I need to shuttle multiple kids, or if I am going to park it somewhere where I don't want people looking into the car. (Such as last night, when I was lost in Asbury Park! Would not want to be in that situation in a little Accord with the new car tags still all over it.)
And Puff is doing amazingly well. We went and had her stitches out yesterday, and she's happy as can be. All it took to get her over the trauma was a bit of sliced turkey. She stays out a lot more, she plays, she purrs - she is like a new kitten, and she is so beautiful. I tell her that every day. When the tech saw her dumped out onto the table, she even exclaimed, "hello, Beautiful!" Puff obviously knew that meant her, because I call her that every day :-)
So tonight we are going to Bahr's again, for my birthday. That is the best part of January, I get to go to Bahr's twice. But, alas, since we have to drive the Doll, we have to go there to get her - it's such a pain. Then we all cram into one car, which usually means SHE gets the front seat. I am hateful, I know. But it makes the trip twice as long for all of us, being packed in there and having to weave through the streets of the retirement Village to where she lives, nestled amongst the biddies.
Megan had another successful week at swimming, but she had to fight for first place in the 200 IM yesterday! The girl was ahead for the first 100 yards of the 200. When Megan ended up beating her, the girl was so mad she wouldn't even look at Megan, let alone shake her hand. Not good sportsmanship - my theory is that this girl would have been put in the 200 free, but they probably thought Megan would swim it, so they took her out, and she ended up losing the IM instead. I have been noticing no schools have been giving Megan any competition since counties. Her name is in the paper today as having the fastest 200 free time in the conference.
However, if you read a little deeper, you will see that she is no longer in possession of that title. One of the girls in the other county beat Megan's best time at their championship meet last night, by a full second. So Megan is relegated to second, which is also where she is with the 500. Two of the remaining three meets could potentially serve her up her first defeat of the season - either in the 500 at the meet this Tuesday, or in both the 200 and 500 next Friday, when she races the other county's champ. The conference meet on February 9 should be a challenge. If all things line up well, she could get her National times at that meet, with that competition, and probably a 3rd place seed in both events.
Brian continues to be difficult, with his homework retaliation and general belligerence. I have decided to remain hands-off for the rest of the marking period, which I think is only a week or two. If he can handle it, his grades will be unchanged or improved from last time. I already told him if I see anything below a B on there, he is out of luck, and will have to do it my way for the rest of the year. He agreed to that, but we'll see.
So it is not surprising that I am on the fourth day of a headache. And I don't expect my birthday dinner to make that much better. Sometimes, it's barely worth going.
The new car is a Honda Accord, and, so far, I love it! It's different in many ways, obviously, but it is so comfortable, cute, and fun to drive. I have driven about 70 miles in it already, and have used 1/4 tank of gas. The thing is that the pin may stay on the 1/4 tank for many more miles, as it seems to do. I will see the benefits when I first go to fill it up. I am so excited!
I took the Explorer yesterday and washed and vacuumed it, had it inspected, then pulled it into the garage and sealed it up there. I will still need it for times of bad weather, when I need to shuttle multiple kids, or if I am going to park it somewhere where I don't want people looking into the car. (Such as last night, when I was lost in Asbury Park! Would not want to be in that situation in a little Accord with the new car tags still all over it.)
And Puff is doing amazingly well. We went and had her stitches out yesterday, and she's happy as can be. All it took to get her over the trauma was a bit of sliced turkey. She stays out a lot more, she plays, she purrs - she is like a new kitten, and she is so beautiful. I tell her that every day. When the tech saw her dumped out onto the table, she even exclaimed, "hello, Beautiful!" Puff obviously knew that meant her, because I call her that every day :-)
So tonight we are going to Bahr's again, for my birthday. That is the best part of January, I get to go to Bahr's twice. But, alas, since we have to drive the Doll, we have to go there to get her - it's such a pain. Then we all cram into one car, which usually means SHE gets the front seat. I am hateful, I know. But it makes the trip twice as long for all of us, being packed in there and having to weave through the streets of the retirement Village to where she lives, nestled amongst the biddies.
Megan had another successful week at swimming, but she had to fight for first place in the 200 IM yesterday! The girl was ahead for the first 100 yards of the 200. When Megan ended up beating her, the girl was so mad she wouldn't even look at Megan, let alone shake her hand. Not good sportsmanship - my theory is that this girl would have been put in the 200 free, but they probably thought Megan would swim it, so they took her out, and she ended up losing the IM instead. I have been noticing no schools have been giving Megan any competition since counties. Her name is in the paper today as having the fastest 200 free time in the conference.
However, if you read a little deeper, you will see that she is no longer in possession of that title. One of the girls in the other county beat Megan's best time at their championship meet last night, by a full second. So Megan is relegated to second, which is also where she is with the 500. Two of the remaining three meets could potentially serve her up her first defeat of the season - either in the 500 at the meet this Tuesday, or in both the 200 and 500 next Friday, when she races the other county's champ. The conference meet on February 9 should be a challenge. If all things line up well, she could get her National times at that meet, with that competition, and probably a 3rd place seed in both events.
Brian continues to be difficult, with his homework retaliation and general belligerence. I have decided to remain hands-off for the rest of the marking period, which I think is only a week or two. If he can handle it, his grades will be unchanged or improved from last time. I already told him if I see anything below a B on there, he is out of luck, and will have to do it my way for the rest of the year. He agreed to that, but we'll see.
So it is not surprising that I am on the fourth day of a headache. And I don't expect my birthday dinner to make that much better. Sometimes, it's barely worth going.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My God, What Have I Done?
Thanks to the Talking Heads, Once in a Lifetime, this has become my catch phrase for everything and anything blundersome. For me, today, it is my hair.
I am now 42. It was my birthday yesterday. As is standard around my birthdays, I feel the need to change. I am campaigning for a new car, something more fuel efficient and 'green', but I also decided it was finally time for a haircut. I went to my regular guy and told him I was considering bangs. He said he would angle them so I could still pull the hair back if I wanted to. This sounded good.
Partway through my appointment, a woman came and began to talk to him, which I found to be rather rude. I listened to everything they said, and they included me to a degree, but they were discussing people and places with whom and which I am not familiar. Afterwards, my hair looked ok at first glance.
When I got home and took a better look, this was no longer the case. The angled bangs are only angled on my right side - on the left, I have just a very short piece of hair, angled into nothing. Then I have very long layers and very, very little change in the length. Which, to me, is a little long to have at age 42. Or 41. Or 40!
The next day I let it curl and the results were just not good. The small piece was ok, it curled to look more like a little curl. The 'angled' side was a wild runaway experiment.
Yesterday I tried to straighten it, but was so discouraged with the unevenness that I just gave up. So today I say to myself, "My God, What Have I Done?" I want to call and request a fix, but I am generally non-confrontational. I feel like they will resent this and I always feel I will be expected to tip again, and I don't want to. Plus, I hate going there, and now I have to go back again - and I don't even know if I can get an appointment.
But in other news - I am working on the car purchase(or waiting to see if I will get permission to get it!) Puff is recovering well and seems thrilled to be spayed! No more heats, no more peeing. I take her into the bathroom and close the door, and she hops right into her box and pees. She is so good. Swimming is still in full swing, and now Brian has started basketball, with baseball just around the corner. One of his teachers sent back her questionnaire and I think it is pretty clear that he will not end up being diagnosed with any learning issues, if we're going on those responses. So I guess that is good news.
Megan is still undefeated in the 200 and the 500 free, but for some reason no teams ever put their better swimmers up against her. There are two meets coming up where that may not be the case, but I expected her to have a good race last night, and she did not.
I've read a few chiari pages and many of the kids are having problems. Some are having unexplained pain and issues, others are developing reherniated tonsils. It is so upsetting that this is something that should be so simple, and yet it just isn't. It makes me so grateful that Brian has done so well, and yet so anxious for the future at the same time. I ""knock wood"" every time I talk about this. It is a monster.
And so, as I do the loads of laundry and suck down advil today, I work up the nerve to look in the mirror. Then, I ask myself, "Where does this highway go?"
I am now 42. It was my birthday yesterday. As is standard around my birthdays, I feel the need to change. I am campaigning for a new car, something more fuel efficient and 'green', but I also decided it was finally time for a haircut. I went to my regular guy and told him I was considering bangs. He said he would angle them so I could still pull the hair back if I wanted to. This sounded good.
Partway through my appointment, a woman came and began to talk to him, which I found to be rather rude. I listened to everything they said, and they included me to a degree, but they were discussing people and places with whom and which I am not familiar. Afterwards, my hair looked ok at first glance.
When I got home and took a better look, this was no longer the case. The angled bangs are only angled on my right side - on the left, I have just a very short piece of hair, angled into nothing. Then I have very long layers and very, very little change in the length. Which, to me, is a little long to have at age 42. Or 41. Or 40!
The next day I let it curl and the results were just not good. The small piece was ok, it curled to look more like a little curl. The 'angled' side was a wild runaway experiment.
Yesterday I tried to straighten it, but was so discouraged with the unevenness that I just gave up. So today I say to myself, "My God, What Have I Done?" I want to call and request a fix, but I am generally non-confrontational. I feel like they will resent this and I always feel I will be expected to tip again, and I don't want to. Plus, I hate going there, and now I have to go back again - and I don't even know if I can get an appointment.
But in other news - I am working on the car purchase(or waiting to see if I will get permission to get it!) Puff is recovering well and seems thrilled to be spayed! No more heats, no more peeing. I take her into the bathroom and close the door, and she hops right into her box and pees. She is so good. Swimming is still in full swing, and now Brian has started basketball, with baseball just around the corner. One of his teachers sent back her questionnaire and I think it is pretty clear that he will not end up being diagnosed with any learning issues, if we're going on those responses. So I guess that is good news.
Megan is still undefeated in the 200 and the 500 free, but for some reason no teams ever put their better swimmers up against her. There are two meets coming up where that may not be the case, but I expected her to have a good race last night, and she did not.
I've read a few chiari pages and many of the kids are having problems. Some are having unexplained pain and issues, others are developing reherniated tonsils. It is so upsetting that this is something that should be so simple, and yet it just isn't. It makes me so grateful that Brian has done so well, and yet so anxious for the future at the same time. I ""knock wood"" every time I talk about this. It is a monster.
And so, as I do the loads of laundry and suck down advil today, I work up the nerve to look in the mirror. Then, I ask myself, "Where does this highway go?"
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Moving Right Along
Well, the great swim caper is behind us. There are still those nay-sayers who want to say that Megan did not deserve the award for swimmer of the meet, but they seem to be outnumbered by those who are genuinely happy for her. What bothers me the most is that the nay-sayers act as if she has done something to offend them. They lose sight of the fact that she is just a kid, dedicated to her sport, and not at all affected by any of the glory of this whole thing, thanks in part to her club coach, who refuses to acknowledge any high school accomplishments, even if they did put her within two seconds of a Y national time, on a weekend when we were closed out of the only meet at which she might have had a chance before Y States.
So she is back to her school and her mega-practice schedule. Tonight she had spinning and lifting as well. Brian had the orthodontist, and then we had dinner at Applebee's. We had a good chat about his issues with school, and he confessed to a couple of strange sensations in his hands and throat when he is having to sit and work throughout the day. He says that sometimes his hands feel all jittery and he just wants to shake them out, and sometimes his throat starts to feel like he has to scream. He also brought up the shaky hands, and said that, in homeroom, he often knocks over chess pieces when he makes a move. It might be funny if it were not so upsetting in some ways...so we will see if we get anywhere with these questionnaires on ADD/ADHD. Our appointment is February 12 with the neurologist. I hate those.
Puff is spayed! She went in on Tuesday, poor thing, I had to chase her around and catch her by a back paw. I asked them to give her something that she could hide under while she waited, but who knows if they did. By 5pm she was ready to come home. I made her a little studio apartment out of the kids' bathroom, complete with a little "cat-house" where she could go and hide away. She is feeling fairly well, as far as I can tell, but her buddy Rusty missed her so much that he can't resist jumping on her neck every time he sees her. I decided to let her stay loose today while I worked for three hours. When I got home, she and Rusty were nowhere in sight. I flipped up the couch, and found them snuggled together underneath. Aww.
And tomorrow: TGIF! and another swim meet. The press covers Megan now. God help her when someone beats her.
So she is back to her school and her mega-practice schedule. Tonight she had spinning and lifting as well. Brian had the orthodontist, and then we had dinner at Applebee's. We had a good chat about his issues with school, and he confessed to a couple of strange sensations in his hands and throat when he is having to sit and work throughout the day. He says that sometimes his hands feel all jittery and he just wants to shake them out, and sometimes his throat starts to feel like he has to scream. He also brought up the shaky hands, and said that, in homeroom, he often knocks over chess pieces when he makes a move. It might be funny if it were not so upsetting in some ways...so we will see if we get anywhere with these questionnaires on ADD/ADHD. Our appointment is February 12 with the neurologist. I hate those.
Puff is spayed! She went in on Tuesday, poor thing, I had to chase her around and catch her by a back paw. I asked them to give her something that she could hide under while she waited, but who knows if they did. By 5pm she was ready to come home. I made her a little studio apartment out of the kids' bathroom, complete with a little "cat-house" where she could go and hide away. She is feeling fairly well, as far as I can tell, but her buddy Rusty missed her so much that he can't resist jumping on her neck every time he sees her. I decided to let her stay loose today while I worked for three hours. When I got home, she and Rusty were nowhere in sight. I flipped up the couch, and found them snuggled together underneath. Aww.
And tomorrow: TGIF! and another swim meet. The press covers Megan now. God help her when someone beats her.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Message Board Madness
Two posts in one day! It's because if I don't post, I will go insane. It's because I really want to post to the message board for the swimmers in the state. But I will not and here is why: What do arguing on the message boards and Special Olympics have in common? Here is the answer, politically incorrect as it may be, but I am making a point: even if you win, you're still retarded.
The message board where the poster said "why did they give the swimmer of the meet award to a freshman" is heating up, and Megan has seen it. Here's a basic recap of the posts, summed up in my own words:
Original poster: "Why did they give the award to a frosh? I mean, I know she swam well, beat both times and both top seeds, and I know the senior missed her times and didn't break any records. But usually when neither breaks a record and both win two golds, they go with the upperclassman. Am I mistaken, or can someone explain?"
First response: "No. You are not mistaken. Now you see how clueless the coaches are." (note: coaches are the ones who vote)
Next response: "The award is for the swimmer of the meet, not the senior of the meet. The coaches saw what I saw, and the frosh was the swimmer of the meet." (note: LIKE this one)
New thread started, but obviously meant in response to 'next response': "I disagree. You use the word 'I'. Therefore you must be the swimmer herself or one of her parents. You are immature and bragging - a good winner is a gracious winner."
:::absolute shock:::
Why didn't anyone accuse the original poster of being the senior, or one of her parents? Good God! I want so badly to respond, but I will not. I will not, I will not, I will not.
But I keep checking every two seconds, waiting for 'next responder' to come back and clear our name. OK, that's all I needed to say.
The message board where the poster said "why did they give the swimmer of the meet award to a freshman" is heating up, and Megan has seen it. Here's a basic recap of the posts, summed up in my own words:
Original poster: "Why did they give the award to a frosh? I mean, I know she swam well, beat both times and both top seeds, and I know the senior missed her times and didn't break any records. But usually when neither breaks a record and both win two golds, they go with the upperclassman. Am I mistaken, or can someone explain?"
First response: "No. You are not mistaken. Now you see how clueless the coaches are." (note: coaches are the ones who vote)
Next response: "The award is for the swimmer of the meet, not the senior of the meet. The coaches saw what I saw, and the frosh was the swimmer of the meet." (note: LIKE this one)
New thread started, but obviously meant in response to 'next response': "I disagree. You use the word 'I'. Therefore you must be the swimmer herself or one of her parents. You are immature and bragging - a good winner is a gracious winner."
:::absolute shock:::
Why didn't anyone accuse the original poster of being the senior, or one of her parents? Good God! I want so badly to respond, but I will not. I will not, I will not, I will not.
But I keep checking every two seconds, waiting for 'next responder' to come back and clear our name. OK, that's all I needed to say.
The Politics of Swimming
So nothing can ever be easy. Megan's being named Swimmer of the Meet is now ensconced in controversy. I am not sure if she realizes, but she might, because on the way home, she kept saying, "the coaches would only vote for me if they wanted to, they had to want to vote for me, right?" The swimmer of the meet is chosen by a vote from each coach. I think there were something like 20 teams there. When I was standing by the scorers table, there were 13 votes handed in, and ten were for Megan.
However, some people feel that since she is a freshman, she should not have been awarded the distinction. There was one other girl there, a senior, who also won two events, and her constituents feel that she should have had the award. People are posting mean things on the nj.com swimming forums, and sticking little digs into facebook postings. Others are just going around shooting off their mouths. The girl herself, as far as we know, has been perfectly gracious towards Megan.
Mostly, it isn't against Megan. They call the coaches idiots and say why would they give it to a freshman, when neither girl broke any records. Of course, we went there as newbies. Megan went to try to swim her best. Of course she would try to win, but she wasn't counting on it. In fact, she was worried about being seeded up so high in this type of a meet.
However - she was a second seed in both of her events. She came from behind in both races and more than outtouched her competitors. She swam good, smart races, bettered both of her times, and she was a virtual unknown before she dove off of the block. The other girl won her two events, sure. But she didn't beat either of her times, and she had no real competition. It is unfortunate that so much emphasis is placed on this award. We were thrilled with the two gold medals, and the videos have even been posted on digital sports - they speak for themselves.
So, no matter what they all say, we know that Megan got into that pool and swam her heart out - did her best and pushed to the limits. That's what a championship meet should be about - not being guaranteed some award just because you're the top seed and a senior. This may never happen again for Megan, but we are not going to take away from her just because she's a freshman. Now she will be the one to beat, and that's a tough position to defend. We have all of our toughest meets coming up in the next three weeks. After that, onward and upward - to the regional meet on February 9! And through all of this, the real goal is Y States in March.
And in other news, Puff is set to be spayed tomorrow. She's been making some noises like she might be going into heat, but she hasn't been trying to tempt the boys with her wares and calling out in the night. They did say they would spay her even in heat, but I could postpone it if I were sure. If she doesn't prove it to me by tonight, I'll just take her in.
However, some people feel that since she is a freshman, she should not have been awarded the distinction. There was one other girl there, a senior, who also won two events, and her constituents feel that she should have had the award. People are posting mean things on the nj.com swimming forums, and sticking little digs into facebook postings. Others are just going around shooting off their mouths. The girl herself, as far as we know, has been perfectly gracious towards Megan.
Mostly, it isn't against Megan. They call the coaches idiots and say why would they give it to a freshman, when neither girl broke any records. Of course, we went there as newbies. Megan went to try to swim her best. Of course she would try to win, but she wasn't counting on it. In fact, she was worried about being seeded up so high in this type of a meet.
However - she was a second seed in both of her events. She came from behind in both races and more than outtouched her competitors. She swam good, smart races, bettered both of her times, and she was a virtual unknown before she dove off of the block. The other girl won her two events, sure. But she didn't beat either of her times, and she had no real competition. It is unfortunate that so much emphasis is placed on this award. We were thrilled with the two gold medals, and the videos have even been posted on digital sports - they speak for themselves.
So, no matter what they all say, we know that Megan got into that pool and swam her heart out - did her best and pushed to the limits. That's what a championship meet should be about - not being guaranteed some award just because you're the top seed and a senior. This may never happen again for Megan, but we are not going to take away from her just because she's a freshman. Now she will be the one to beat, and that's a tough position to defend. We have all of our toughest meets coming up in the next three weeks. After that, onward and upward - to the regional meet on February 9! And through all of this, the real goal is Y States in March.
And in other news, Puff is set to be spayed tomorrow. She's been making some noises like she might be going into heat, but she hasn't been trying to tempt the boys with her wares and calling out in the night. They did say they would spay her even in heat, but I could postpone it if I were sure. If she doesn't prove it to me by tonight, I'll just take her in.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Swimmer of the Meet!

The meet is over, and it exceeded our wildest expectations. Not only was Megan able to beat those times on the psych sheets, she was able to beat the favorites in both events, including the senior who has been called one of the best swimmers in the conference. She swam her usual hang-back-at-first race, so the picture of her in the local paper actually shows her in second place.
After winning the 200 free and being interviewed by the paper, she was charged up to be competitive in the 500. She hung so far back that I just didn't think she'd be able to pull off even close to a win, for a while it looked like a race for second place. Then she turned it on, and by the time she caught up, the senior didn't know what to make of it.
No Nationals times, but the 500 time put her within two seconds, a good place to be for States in March. After so many years of swimming in the middle of the pack, it's so nice to see all the dedication and sacrifice paying off. It makes it all worthwhile for those 24 hours of fame. And a big name to live up to at the upcoming meets! (no pressure.) They named her swimmer of the meet!
And, as per the title of my blog: life goes on. She's back at the pool, as of 6:30 this morning.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Well, isn't that the most boring post title ever?
It's Friday. I don't know how I get through five day weeks, I barely got through this three day week, and I didn't even have to work. I did have a whopping headache yesterday, that didn't help. But today I had a free day, and it was slightly less freezing than yesterday, so I went to the mall to drop off Megan's necklace.
I bought this necklace from a mall jewelry store for her graduation in June. It was about $255, that was the sale price. She has worn it about four times, and the clasp is now missing. I called the jewelry store, very proud that I still had the receipt, and they were telling me that they would have to charge me because I didn't purchase a service plan. $40 for a service plan on a piece of jewelry that rarely gets worn. I don't remember the offer, but of course I didn't purchase one.
A manager called me back, and explained that they would give me a 'lobster-claw' (I keep thinking of 'lobster boy' on SouthPark) in place of what was probably a spring-whatever clasp. They act like they are doing me a huge favor by giving me for for "free" what would normally cost $40. So the manager told me they would probably charge me $10. Of course, after I drove there, they told me the jeweler would charge them $20, so I would have to also pay $20.
I'm wondering to myself - now - aren't YOU the jeweler? I mean, don't jewelers work at jewelry stores? Shouldn't they be on some sort of retainer to repair the faulty merchandise? I know when Brian broke his clasp on his cheap choker necklace that is only gold-plated - that guy fixed it for me without some song and dance about a jeweler. In fact, he fixed it on the spot! There was no charge for his services, just the charge for the cheap stanless steel clasp I bought from him.
Let that be lesson #9132214897124124163248 on why not to shop at the mall. Next time I will just go straight to the Stainless Steel Clasp guy.
At long last, tomorrow is the county swim championships. Amazingly, psych sheets were on the site today. Megan is seeded second in both of her events! I just can't wait for this meet to be over. She has yet to come up against competition at a high school meet in either of her events, the 200 or the 500 free. So tomorrow, she will be seeded right beneath the top swimmer in each event. who knows, maybe that will get her to swim a little faster and make her time for Y Nationals - although the times are pretty fast, they are still slower than what she would be seeded with at one of her Y meets, her true USA swimming times.
In other news: I forgot that I let the dog out, and left her in the yard for over three hours! At least she is sleeping now and not bugging me to take her out (haha). Puff Heat-Meter: off. Kitchen ceiling light: still dying. My headache: gone.
It's Friday. I don't know how I get through five day weeks, I barely got through this three day week, and I didn't even have to work. I did have a whopping headache yesterday, that didn't help. But today I had a free day, and it was slightly less freezing than yesterday, so I went to the mall to drop off Megan's necklace.
I bought this necklace from a mall jewelry store for her graduation in June. It was about $255, that was the sale price. She has worn it about four times, and the clasp is now missing. I called the jewelry store, very proud that I still had the receipt, and they were telling me that they would have to charge me because I didn't purchase a service plan. $40 for a service plan on a piece of jewelry that rarely gets worn. I don't remember the offer, but of course I didn't purchase one.
A manager called me back, and explained that they would give me a 'lobster-claw' (I keep thinking of 'lobster boy' on SouthPark) in place of what was probably a spring-whatever clasp. They act like they are doing me a huge favor by giving me for for "free" what would normally cost $40. So the manager told me they would probably charge me $10. Of course, after I drove there, they told me the jeweler would charge them $20, so I would have to also pay $20.
I'm wondering to myself - now - aren't YOU the jeweler? I mean, don't jewelers work at jewelry stores? Shouldn't they be on some sort of retainer to repair the faulty merchandise? I know when Brian broke his clasp on his cheap choker necklace that is only gold-plated - that guy fixed it for me without some song and dance about a jeweler. In fact, he fixed it on the spot! There was no charge for his services, just the charge for the cheap stanless steel clasp I bought from him.
Let that be lesson #9132214897124124163248 on why not to shop at the mall. Next time I will just go straight to the Stainless Steel Clasp guy.
At long last, tomorrow is the county swim championships. Amazingly, psych sheets were on the site today. Megan is seeded second in both of her events! I just can't wait for this meet to be over. She has yet to come up against competition at a high school meet in either of her events, the 200 or the 500 free. So tomorrow, she will be seeded right beneath the top swimmer in each event. who knows, maybe that will get her to swim a little faster and make her time for Y Nationals - although the times are pretty fast, they are still slower than what she would be seeded with at one of her Y meets, her true USA swimming times.
In other news: I forgot that I let the dog out, and left her in the yard for over three hours! At least she is sleeping now and not bugging me to take her out (haha). Puff Heat-Meter: off. Kitchen ceiling light: still dying. My headache: gone.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
On Self Esteem
I feel so stupid. I am like an ancient person, I can't seem to master the world of blog image posting. Using Photobucket, I thought it would be simple. But none of the photobucket url's work on here. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
On the other hand, here it is 4:14 pm and I have not been recalled yet by the mammography center. That should lift my spirits.
I am afraid to let my guard down, as that is exactly when the phone will ring.
And I am ready to press charges for mental anguish caused by repeated phone calls from an 800 number, which we believe to be Kitchen Magic calling repeatedly. Their desperation is not appealing. This alone is reason enough to not use them when we feel like we can afford some kitchen magic. Maybe they're really calling to tell me I won that free kitchen contest I entered a year ago at the mall.
Today, however, I would settle for a replacement light for the four-long-bulb fluorescent light we have in the kitchen. This light has no cover, and of the four bald bulbs, two work. That is, two worked. One began to flicker today, so now I suppose we're down to one. If we can't even replace the ceiling light, I think a whole kitchen is out of the question for now. I'd include a picture if I were not so blog-image challenged.
Which brings me to the issue of my blog. I am not finding it to be taking direction as I had hoped. It is still about everything that happens, it just seems like nothing ever happens. I click through the link "next blog" at the top of the page when I post and find all sorts of fancy blogs. How is it that so many people know how to design these beautiful blogs, and I can't even post a stinking picture without having it shrink, stretch, or appear incomplete? Is there a blog college, like a clown college? I knew I should have paid attention in school.
So - what has happened? I swam my 40 laps today and then totally blanked out as to my member number when I went to log the swim. It was very cold today, so I stayed in for most of the day with my little cats. The phone rang a bunch of times, scared me half to death each time; only once or twice was it Kitchen Magic.
I picked up Megan at the bus, then picked up Brian. I received emails from two teachers, found out he got a 77 on the science test he studied "his way" for. I put a pot roast into the crock pot. I played isketch.
I hope someone calls me to work tomorrow! The less I have to do, the less I do. I don't even think I have scooped the litterboxes today! Maybe I should order one of those lamps for people who live in cold gloomy climates. Today our sunshine was called "ineffective" by one forecast, and "feeble" by another. I think I took those words to heart for myself!!
On the other hand, here it is 4:14 pm and I have not been recalled yet by the mammography center. That should lift my spirits.
I am afraid to let my guard down, as that is exactly when the phone will ring.
And I am ready to press charges for mental anguish caused by repeated phone calls from an 800 number, which we believe to be Kitchen Magic calling repeatedly. Their desperation is not appealing. This alone is reason enough to not use them when we feel like we can afford some kitchen magic. Maybe they're really calling to tell me I won that free kitchen contest I entered a year ago at the mall.
Today, however, I would settle for a replacement light for the four-long-bulb fluorescent light we have in the kitchen. This light has no cover, and of the four bald bulbs, two work. That is, two worked. One began to flicker today, so now I suppose we're down to one. If we can't even replace the ceiling light, I think a whole kitchen is out of the question for now. I'd include a picture if I were not so blog-image challenged.
Which brings me to the issue of my blog. I am not finding it to be taking direction as I had hoped. It is still about everything that happens, it just seems like nothing ever happens. I click through the link "next blog" at the top of the page when I post and find all sorts of fancy blogs. How is it that so many people know how to design these beautiful blogs, and I can't even post a stinking picture without having it shrink, stretch, or appear incomplete? Is there a blog college, like a clown college? I knew I should have paid attention in school.
So - what has happened? I swam my 40 laps today and then totally blanked out as to my member number when I went to log the swim. It was very cold today, so I stayed in for most of the day with my little cats. The phone rang a bunch of times, scared me half to death each time; only once or twice was it Kitchen Magic.
I picked up Megan at the bus, then picked up Brian. I received emails from two teachers, found out he got a 77 on the science test he studied "his way" for. I put a pot roast into the crock pot. I played isketch.
I hope someone calls me to work tomorrow! The less I have to do, the less I do. I don't even think I have scooped the litterboxes today! Maybe I should order one of those lamps for people who live in cold gloomy climates. Today our sunshine was called "ineffective" by one forecast, and "feeble" by another. I think I took those words to heart for myself!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Waffles or Water Balloons?
OK ... so I had a mammogram today. This is one of the most traumatic experiences any woman can have, and not because it hurts. A few seconds of discomfort is nothing compared to the anxiety that a nervous person feels even just stepping into the world of pink ribbons and blue gowns.
I started out with grandiose plans - although what made me make an 8am appointment I will never understand. I thought I'd go to the Y and swim afterwards, if I got out in time. Then I thought, no! I already took a shower, so I went to Target and bought a mop so I could shampoo the rugs and a shower curtain liner so I could replace the moldy one in the kids' bathroom.
Then I came home and sat by the phone. For hours. It rang four times. It was never the mammography people.
It's all because the unthinkable happened. Well, first, I had to see the films of my old breasts. The ones from last September (or thereabouts). Please note that I have never seen this before. The mammography center has gone digital on me. Now they slap up last year's films on the viewer, and this year's come up on the monitor in front of the tech's face!
So I have never seen them. The normal process was that you went in, got the water balloons smashed in the waffle iron, and were sent back out to wait in the waiting area with the other blue-gowned ladies. Then, every year, I was sent home. A few days later I would get a letter in the mail that there was "no change."
Well, this year, I had to see the films. They are very scary. There is a lot of white. Obviously this must be OK, because last year I was not recalled. This year the tech decided to take one extra shot. This sent me into an absolute panic. It has died down a bit only because it is 9:21 and I am quite sure anyone who would bring me ill tidings is well into their third martini by now. The feelings will resurface tomorrow morning. That's when I'll take my new swim-p3 and hit the icy waters. And not a moment too soon.
I started out with grandiose plans - although what made me make an 8am appointment I will never understand. I thought I'd go to the Y and swim afterwards, if I got out in time. Then I thought, no! I already took a shower, so I went to Target and bought a mop so I could shampoo the rugs and a shower curtain liner so I could replace the moldy one in the kids' bathroom.
Then I came home and sat by the phone. For hours. It rang four times. It was never the mammography people.
It's all because the unthinkable happened. Well, first, I had to see the films of my old breasts. The ones from last September (or thereabouts). Please note that I have never seen this before. The mammography center has gone digital on me. Now they slap up last year's films on the viewer, and this year's come up on the monitor in front of the tech's face!
So I have never seen them. The normal process was that you went in, got the water balloons smashed in the waffle iron, and were sent back out to wait in the waiting area with the other blue-gowned ladies. Then, every year, I was sent home. A few days later I would get a letter in the mail that there was "no change."
Well, this year, I had to see the films. They are very scary. There is a lot of white. Obviously this must be OK, because last year I was not recalled. This year the tech decided to take one extra shot. This sent me into an absolute panic. It has died down a bit only because it is 9:21 and I am quite sure anyone who would bring me ill tidings is well into their third martini by now. The feelings will resurface tomorrow morning. That's when I'll take my new swim-p3 and hit the icy waters. And not a moment too soon.
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